Chapter 40. Aiden's Situation

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I, the Emperor, said it was okay, but there was no reason to object the stand-in-Emperor and Marquis Gardenia.

"Isn't Mabel too young?"
Duke Javier responded vigorously.

"Her Majesty is still young, but she has the discernment to decide what is for the Empire. I'm sure her Majesty thinks so too."


If that was opposed, I would become a child with no sense.

The stand-in-Emperor's expression was frighteningly stiff, perhaps because he understood the Duke's inner thoughts.
Feeling the chilly atmosphere in the conference room, I looked around the blue-faced subjects.

'It's amazing how they get scared the same way every time he gets angry.'

If I were you, I'd have money, land and buildings. I would resign and go down to the estate to live. Is power that good?

Anyway, we had to finish the meeting quickly. Because I had something important to do today.

'Melon cake is coming out today as a snack!'

I grabbed the stand-in-Emperor's hem.

"Rowal Fawthe." (Royal Father.)

My voice became like the warm weather in spring for his cool face.

A friendly smiling stand-in-Emperor kneeled and looked at me.

"Yes, Mabel."

"Ah'm gwoing, wain witual." (I'm going, rain ritual.)

"But Mabel. Please reconsider. If you faint again, dad will..."

The stand-in-Emperor took a short breath and continued.

"And besides, it's very dangerous outside the Imperial Palace. It is important to soothe the people's feelings, but we cannot neglect your safety."

"No. Ith not dangewous ath all." (No. It's not dangerous at all.)

I answered firmly. Fainting was actually just me acting, and at worst, it wasn't a problem because I only had nosebleeds.
The stand-in-Emperor, who didn't know the truth, frowned weakly as if he were worried.


Tyre shook his head at once.

"Thewe'th Lithandwo. Othe knighth are coming too. Whaths dangewous?" (There's Lissandro. Other knights are coming too. What's dangerous?)

"I don't want to expose you to any possible danger-."

I cut off the stand-in-Emperor's words.

"Rowal Fawthe will altho be thewe." (Royal Father will also be there.)

The remark was made in memory of the fact that the stand-in-Emperor ran around on a battlefield and became a renowned swordmaster when he was a prince.

Who would attack when Lissandro, the stand-in-Emperor, and knights are present?

It was a calculating idea, but the stand-in-Emperor called my name as if he were touched.



What are you thinking? With a very impressed face, he grabbed my little hands.
My whole hand was squeezed in his big hands.

Having both my hands caught, I was sweating profusely.

The stand-in-Emperor's blue eyes were serious.

"I won't betray your trust."


Without being embarrassed, the stand-in-Emperor put strength into his hands.

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