"I'm not going to spy on someone. It isn't...right." He confirmed, scratching his head as if he were uneasy, and I knew he was.

"Oh come on! Please? I really need to see what she's up to. I deserve to catch her doing something; she at least owes me that since she's been lying to me for the past few weeks." I stated, giving him a look. He studied me for a few seconds, rubbing his chin afterwards.

He was probably arguing with himself in his own thoughts, and after pondering, he breathed out a sigh, took out his keys from his pockets, and stood up. I squealed as I stood up instantly to give him a squeeze.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"On one condition," He called out, holding his index finger in the air to stop me from getting all pumped up.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting patiently for him to continue on. But instead of him preforming verbally, he decided to do it physically. He took a step closer to me and tilted his head slightly, slowly leaning his lips towards mine. He had suddenly stopped just before he could plant a kiss, and all I could feel was his breath brushing against my lips.

"Uh..." My voice trailed off hesitantly, wanting to kiss him, but also knowing that it wasn't the right thing to do. I drew back from him, shaking my head from side to side. "Mm mm." I rejected like a two year old.

"But no one's here," He stated, his face going casual.

I breathed out a sigh, "I know, Brandon. But...it's still wrong."

He raised an eyebrow as a response, and then shrugged, fleeting from the house. I sighed as I started fiddling with my fingers, following him out the door so we could get to the outside mall.

The ride on the way there was silent and very awkward. Once we got there, we both abandoned his now parked car, passing the ongoing shoppers and stores; we went straight for the arcade. Once we got inside, the smell of popcorn and nachos filled the place, must've been the indoor concession sections. I looked around, trying to block the noises of loud beeps and 'winner!' and 'loser!' activations/noises.

"Is that her?" Brandon questioned, looking directly straight ahead. I mocked him, and my eyes widened as I spotted Lola walking with that same guy.

"Yeah!" I hissed, grabbing Brandon's hand and running over to a table to just sit at. I ignored the other teenagers, sitting down and eating food. I covered my face, but continued watching them with the corner of my eye. Brandon gazed at me, laughing afterwards. I wrinkled my eyebrows into a confused reading, curious of why.

"What?" I questioned, dimwitted.

"You look like you're some assassin, or a spy." He confirmed, his laughter softening.

I pulled my hands away and cocked an eyebrow this time, "What are you saying?"

He continued to gaze at me and started laughing harder again, and then he grabbed my hand gently. I stared down at the connection of our hands, and blushed. "What I'm saying is that you're making it look too obvious. Come on." He stood up and I stared at him, waiting for him to make the next move. I was seriously confused on where he was getting at. "Let's just pretend we're a normal couple, strolling around, they won't notice us. I promise." He assured, flashing a pearly white smile.

I looked hesitant from the second he walked away with me, my hand in his hand, touching...connected...hugging each other. My body stiffened at first, but then it eased up, and I started smiling, unnoticeable.

He continued holding my hand as he looked around. I looked around as well, nosy. Lola and the guy were at a concession stand, laughing and prattling. I eased up a bit, trying hard to not let that be all that I would do here. Maybe I should just chill and relax, and spy on her and the guy now and then. I grinned wide as I took the lead, dragging Brandon to a nearby bumper cars station. We stood in line, waiting patiently.

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