Okay, so...the next day was just another normal day. After I got up and did everything there was needed to be done for the occupation of school, I decided to peep inside Lola's room, to see if she hadn't stayed over Kresten's house all night. But she was perfectly in her bed, texting on her cell phone. She hadn't noticed me until I took a step inside.

"Oh, morning, babe." She greeted, her eyes focused on her touch screen. I smiled at her as a response. "Parents are sleep, you have to be quiet." She added.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to confront her, she started talking.

"I think I saw that Brandon kid yesterday. He was at Mario's, getting a pizza." She let out, giggling afterwards.

I nodded, "I know."

She turned towards me and raised an eyebrow, probably curious of how.

"I mean, he called me and told me." I lied out, I didn't want her to know that he came over last night, she might tell Michael and then he'd get violent with the whole thing.

"Oh." She turned back towards her cell phone, not saying a word.

"Hey, can we talk?" I sat next to her on her bed, and she breathed out a sigh, putting her cell phone away.

"Won't you be late to school or something?" She asked.

"I'm pretty sure my attendance will survive," I assured, giving her a dead stare.

She eyed me and grinned, "Okay, what's there to talk about? I'm all ears." She got out of her bed sheets and sat up, as if this were a total one-on-one girl chat.

I started fiddling with my fingers, trying to confront her the best way I can. "Brandon also told me he saw you last night." I mentioned. Her face had fallen as soon as I had said that. "And he said he saw you with some guy. Now, I'm going to assume its Kresten?" I questioned, tucking my lips in my mouth. It took her a while to reply, until she started giggling.

"No, it wasn't Kresten. I happened to run into an old friend at the parking lot, and we happened to be going into the same restaurant, that's all." She confirmed. I nodded my head, hesistant, trying to get the information processed correctly in my brain.

"Then who picked you up last night?" I asked, I could tell that she was getting annoyed with all of these questions, but I could also tell that she'd have a good answer to every single one of them.

"I took a cab." She answered tersely, and in a dismissive voice tone.

I looked her in the eyes as she gave me a look as if I should just eff off, and stop pestering her with so many questions, and maybe she's right. Friends trust each other, what kind of friend am I if I don't trust her? I bit my lip, sighing afterwards. I stood up, leaving the room and out of the house in defeat, headed to school.

Once I made my way there, the first place I went to was Mrs. Morse, to see if she'd be in there. And she wasn't. Hmm, must be absent. She DID say that she'd sometimes be out working with her other patients, since she's also an outside school shrink. I walked out of her office in a hurry, might as well get to my next class.

As I was strolling to my class peacefully and quietly, I noticed Brandon at his locker, talking with some guy. I smiled as I walked over, steadily and quietly. I cleared my throat and that was when he finally noticed my presence. He quickly settled his eyes into my own, a small smile tugging on his lips.

"Hi." I greeted his guy friend so that I could be polite, and he quickly smirked as a reply, walking away. Brandon watched him as he abandoned us, leaving the two of us alone. I raised an eyebrow, "Is that one of your buds?"

The Blink of an EyeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz