XXV Not a Perfect ending

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XXV Not a Perfect Ending

One Year Later

"What do you think?"

"I think extra and definitely extra, get rid of that bowtie and take this tie."

"You just wanted me to wear that and hence." Rohan removed the bow tie and untied the gift box I had wrapped for him as his birthday present two months before.

He turned twenty-seven last month. I finally know his age.

It was the day when Rohan had finally decided that he loved Riya and he would have to man up and ask her. Actually, that day was done and dusted six months ago, today was the day.

'Meeting her father day'

That man practically knew him so I don't find a reason to worry for his opinion. But given the Raghav fiesta and all that followed, any father would be a little bit protective of his child. Riya knew Rohan was not going to be a mistake but her father wanted to be one hundred percent sure.

"How do I look?"

"Just perfect. Nothing should bring your morale down now."

"It won't because you are coming with me."

He was such a pussy.

"Are you sure Rohan? I mean what will I do between you three?"

"Celebrate your birthday with us, Purvi."

Yes, it was also my 22nd birthday and a lot had changed in this past year. But the one thing that hadn't changed was that I would always love my alone time over anything else.

'I think I'd rather sit home, watch something, maybe pizza, definitely coffee.'

Rohan groaned, rolling his eyes. 'Geez, Purvi. I know your boyfriend and your son are out of town, but that doesn't mean you don't have us.'

'Anirudh isn't my boyfriend, Rohan.'

He laughed, shaking his head, 'You guys aren't official, but for sure, for sure secretly dating.' He raised his brows, 'You can't fool me.'

Anirudh and I weren't official. Although, Rohan was right, not that we were secretly dating but we were kinda. I'm not sure how to tag it, but I knew we were something. I didnt want to rush into another relationship mess with Tittu and my new career, plus he had to finish his degree too. It would just be too much to handle for me if I date him now. But, I guess we were somewhere along the line.

"Anyway, you do not have Tittu with you, and your new semester starts next week so spare your body a little caffeine cancer and join me. Riya will be thrilled to have you with us, plus, Mr. Singhania loves you more than me lately." He took a deep breath, calming himself, "And if I am being a pussy, you can kick my leg."

That I did. He couldn't even give me his crazy woman look because he held his leg, "not now you woman. At the dinner party."

Nodding, I patted the dust off his shoulders and told him to sit while I changed into an evening dress. Rohan waited patiently for me and then together we joined Mr. Singhania and her daughter who were seated at the table.

And we were ten minutes late


"You are late."

"Sorry Pa, the traffic was nerve breaking."

"Sir" Mr. Singhania chipped sternly, "sir for you."

I suppressed my chuckle and Riya did too because I really liked this jolly old man. There were a lot of occasions in this past year that I had encountered Mr. Singhania and my adoration for him always surpassed the previous tally.

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