New Girl

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I step through the open window of my bedroom after dark, clutching my phone in one hand, my journal in the other.

Then I sit on the flat roof that extends over the front porch and take a deep breath, savoring the slight breeze, knowing the long, hot summer will soon ease into fall.

A huge oak tree with spreading branches stands in front of the house, its massive trunk touching the bricks that have turned the front yard into a parking lot. 

Several of the branches reach over the roof, with one scraping the shingles near my bedroom window.

My phone dings with a text from my dad, checking to see if I got moved in okay.

He wanted to come with me, but he can't take any more time off work. He used up his vacation time when my mother was sick.

His co-workers even donated their time to him, but it still wasn't enough.

Dad Im all moved in. The house is ok, livable. Good thing I left when I did. Me and the WW almost came to blows last night.

I add an SMH emoji and hope my dad will know what that means.

My mom would have lectured me for referring to her mother as the Wicked Witch; she'd have said it was wrong, no matter how much Virginia Cooke might deserve it.

But my dad understands. He's been on the receiving end of my grandmother's foul moods often enough.

My phone dings again.

Glad youre ok kiddo. Wish I could have been there. Take care of yourself. You better call me if you need anything.

I will. Im gonna be ok Dad. Plz don't worry about me.

I add a couple of heart emojis and hit Send.

Then I notice I missed an earlier text from Megz, my best friend.

So are you FINALLY Ikana fucking official?

Yup, I type, smiling, Im moved in (house sucks). I start classes tomorrow. Gotta also try to get the editor on the campus paper to give me a shot tomorrow. Wish me luck.

She responds immediately.

U dont need luck sunshine. UR not like the rest of us. UR keegan rich AF crenshaw/cooke.

She adds another text with a line of fist emojis I'm not sure how to interpret.

I hate when Megz brings up my family. 

It's basically the only time we fight, when she acts like I have no struggles because my grandmother owns the Cooke Ranch and is the most powerful politician in the state.

She acts as if everything comes easy for me, which is total bullshit.

Another text. U there? Did I piss off the princess? 😜

Frowning, I decide to let her stew a little.

Megz is probably sitting in her fancy dorm right now with a couple of hot guys at her beck and call. She has that ability, to get people to do whatever she wants.

We met junior year of high school when Megan Morgan transferred in after she was sent to yet another foster home. Especially for a kid from such an unstable background, she's done well for herself.

We stayed out all night partying when she found out she'd earned a full scholarship to the University of Oklahoma. 

I got grounded for staying out past curfew. But it was worth it.

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