I tangled my fingers in my hair, closing my eyes tightly as she continued screaming and yelling at me. As I was getting more impatient and mad, my blood was boiling to the max.

It felt as though I was about to self-destruct like a bomb that no one could defuse. My patience, my control, I felt as though I was losing it. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, slapping her in the face.

She fell to the ground, stunned.

Her eyes were filled with hurt, and I gasped with fear in my own actions. I could see her tuck her lips in and her eyes moisture up. She stood up slowly and ran out, shutting my door. I stared at it in a complete astonishing mode. Did I just do that? Had I really done that to a ten year old? My sister? The one who was just looking after me, curious of where I went for her benefits and my own safety?

I sighed, instead of chasing after her and apologizing, I think I needed some time to just chill and relax. After all, I must admit, I'm not really myself right now. And she'd probably start yelling at me for slapping her, and I'd probably get more pissed and do worse things to her.

Next time, it probably won't be slapping. I laid back down, closing my eyes. After about twenty minutes of sitting in silence, I opened my eyes again, still feeling a little dizzy and messed up in the head. Though I wanted to make sure that I wasn't at an irate state anymore, I had perfectly known that I wasn't going to slap her. And I was in a well enough condition to be patient with Haley and apologize to her. So within that, I opened my room door and went downstairs quietly.

I looked around for her, until my eyes had spotted her sleeping on the couch, a pillow clutched to her stomach.

I smiled lightly at how beautiful she just slept there, motionless, breathing in and out peacefully. I didn't want to disturb her; I'll just apologize to her later.

I decided to leave her in the house alone and just go for a walk. My head was still aching severely, and my vision was getting a little weird as well. I don't understand, you'd think that the drinks would hold off a phasing effect! Maybe it's because I haven't ate the whole day. Yeah, that's probably it.

I continued meandering around the neighborhood, not sure of why I was doing it. The wind started picking up, shifting and dancing pass me, leaving my hair to reach out to follow it, but couldn't.

As I continued walking, I started to feel even worse. But as stupid and daring as I was, I continued walking, well aware that I wasn't in a perfect enough shape to do that.

* * *

*Brandon's POV*

I sat in my car, driving down a silent and inactive road, on my way home. You would think that people would be busy on weekends. I guess they really wouldn't in a city like this. I had rolled my window down so that I could feel cool air; it felt misty...and peaceful.

I can't really comprehend why I like to hang my head out of the window sometimes, it just feels good. As I was driving, stopping and going after every red and green traffic light, I noticed a girl on the sidewalks, walking as if she was lost. Her eyes were closed as she was stumbling.

I stopped my car, nonchalant about stopping in the middle of the road. No one was driving on this road anyways. Like I said, it's inactive and silent. She looks familiar.

As I studied her, trying to figure out why she was meandering wherever, she had plummeted down onto the cement, collapsing. Within that, my instincts kicked on, and I hurried out of my car and ran over to her, to comfort her.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, panicking. I rolled her over so I could get a better vision of her. And I opened my mouth and shock to see who it was. Heather? That same girl who's very awkward to talk to? The lip pierce girl? I couldn't believe what I've stumbled upon. I shook her on her shoulders gently, and she was clearly knocked out. But why?

I swallowed in fear of what to do with her. As it would be best to take her home, I was oblivious onto where she lives. I guess I could take her to my place, until she's well on her feet, which shouldn't take that long.

I quickly scooped my arm under her back and the other beneath her pair of legs, lifting her up gently. And to my surprise, she's not heavy like I had quickly imagined. The wind was blowing my hair, which was frustrating. I carried her over to my car and placed her in the passenger seat delicately and slammed the door, going to my side of the car and driving off.

As I was driving, I kept glancing at her as she was in sleep mode, her arms in her lap. How did this happen? I questioned in my thoughts, gazing back onto the road. How did she wander out all the way here? I bit my lip, gazing back over at her and observing her up and down.

The smell of her was a bit disturbing. Maybe she was drunk and wandered here. Yeah, that's probably how and why. I continued driving, stopping at the neighborhood sign. I turned in and continued driving, until I got to the cul-de-sac where my house was.

I parked in my driveway and took her out, carrying her in the same position as I did when I took her to my car. I opened my house door, silence welcoming us. My parents were out of town for the time being. I went upstairs slowly and carefully so I wouldn't disturb her peaceful sleep. I went inside my room and laid her on my bed.

I gazed at her as she laid there motionless, I had then abandoned her to go downstairs.


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