Chapter 69-- BITCH ASS HOE!!!!

Comenzar desde el principio

It really helps me calm down I realized. Kind of like the guitar does.

Just something to shut my brain up and keep me busy.

"Sounds like shit."

"It was cold, but it was really nice actually. Oh. And after my interviews, Pierre and I found a handful of places I wanted to go over with you."

Everything's falling into place.

I don't want him to think I'm just picking something without his input.

"I really do not care what kind of place you find. Whatever you like."

"But you'll be living there too!"I protest, pulling out of the school parking lot and heading back to Pierre's house.

"First of all, you do realize where I lived before, right? Secondly, I can't see it anyway so I literally do not care."

"Okay. Fine." I say, wishing he would at least try to care about it. Just a little.

We ride in silence until we get to Pierre's house.

As soon as I park, I ask, "Could you at least come look at some with me? I don't want to go alone."

"What do I get if I do it?"

"Um, satisfaction that you made your boyfriend happy?" I suggest.



"Um...Ice cream?"

"How much ice cream?" He asks softly.


"Okay. But, like, what size of one? How much ice cream?"

"...Hmmm. I think this job would pay... one medium Ice cream of your choice?"

"Fair enough. I will survive through the boredom of looking around at nothing."

"I can be annoying and describe it to you. The walls are pink with blue carpet..." I laugh.

"Yeah. Do that. But, if the walls are pink with blue carpet, I will say fuck no out loud."

"Josiah, you cannot see. Why the fuck would you care?"

"You're missing that the point is, I do not care. Have I said that yet? I don't care what the house is like if you like it."

"But I want you to care." I say.


"I don't know, I just do. I want you to like it."

I turn and look over at him.

"I don't like anything."

"...Not even me?" I ask quietly.

"Are you a thing?"

"I'm a noun. Close enough."

"That's not close...? What?"

"You didn't answer my question." I say, staring down at the steering wheel, averting my gaze.

"What question?"

"Do you like me?"

Some days it doesn't feel that way.

"Give me a few minutes to think."

"...Are you serious?" I ask.

He can't be fucking serious...?!

"I know I love you. I'm not entirely sure if I like you. Especially when you refuse to make me a batch of cookies."

I get out of the car and start toward the house.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora