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"Damn. Guess it won't affect me, then. Some plan you got there."

"You're very adamant about not wanting to marry me." I remark.

"Oh. You meant our wedding?"

"No. My wedding. You're just also very deeply involved."

"As, like, a best man? I'm honored."

What the hell...?

"No! What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about? I would make an awesome flower girl if not..."

"You're not a girl. You can't."

"Flower boy." He corrects.

"That's not even a thing. You made that up."

"So what? Weddings are what you want them to be. I could officiate...and be flower boy."

"Weddings follow very strict things. They're all either the same or just utterly insane. It's easier to keep things traditional, y'know...without a giraffe throwing flowers everywhere."

"Even better. Get a giraffe to throw flowers, a rhino to officiate, and I can play piano."

"You are the giraffe, asshole! Shut up!"

"And you can marry a monkey!"

"I might as well. Pretty much the same thing." I mutter.

"Would you prefer a water buffalo?"

"I would prefer you."

He thinks about it for a moment. "A monkey would be cooler, but I'm down. Can the rhino play piano then? It would have to be a big piano or a small rhino, though..."

"I think I need to rethink the whole thing." I say.

"Fair enough. Are you coming, or not? You're taking four hours."

"Get me my coat."

"Yes, sir." He says, handing me my coat and shoes.

I pull the coat on. "I have socks." I say.

"Then get them. I'm going to make coffee."

"Four more hours. Great. Why don't you just buy coffee from somewhere? That way we can just walk to it."

"We could. Do you wanna walk to, like, Starbucks, or something, then?"

"I don't care," I put my shoes on, "Let's go."

"Hand?" He asks.

I hold my hand out to him. "Are we walking to a coffee place? Do they have breakfast?"

He slips a glove on my hand and takes the other one, putting a glove on it, too. "Yes. We can get, like, muffins, or something. And, if you want to, you can get hot chocolate."

"Hot chocolate? Chocolate melts." I start to pull a glove off.

He puts it back on me. "If you liked the chocolate milk, you're going to love this. It has whipped cream and stuff."

"No lettuce?" I grin at him.

"Jesus Christ, I hope not." He laughs.

"We need to watch out for that. Nasty shit. Absolutely awful." I mess with the gloves, trying to make it to where they aren't uncomfortable as hell.

Never going to work.

They're the worst.

"Is my nemesis lettuce or gloves?" I ask myself softly.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum