Chapter 51-Damien is the most important part of the car

Start from the beginning

"You can't scare me off, kid."

"Damien..." Josiah whines, staring at me with the most heartbreaking look in his eyes.

"Maybe I can't, but all it would take is one call to the police department and you would be back behind bars in a heartbeat. I know what you have done and I'm sure as hell not letting you touch him ever again." I say, pulling Josiah out of his grip and back to me. I hold him behind me protectively, and he clings to my shirt in fear.

This asshole better step back. It's taking all of my willpower to not beat the shit out of him right now.

"Now, I would suggest getting the fuck out of here before I call in some backup. Do you understand me?" I growl, tired of this shit.

He laughs. "Shut up and give me my son. This is kidnapping. That's illegal."

"And beating the living hell out of your own son is illegal, too."

Not to mention all of the other things he's done to him. He'll have to get past my dead body before I let him get near him.

"I have the right to use corporal punishment. Fuck off."

A blinding fury takes over my body, just like when I hurt Ethan the other day.

It's as if I'm not even myself anymore.

I grab the front of his shirt and hit him as hard as I can.

"Damien! Stop it! Stop, you'll hurt my dad...!"

I let his dad go and he stumbles backwards. I look down at Josiah, who has fear in his eyes. Not just for himself, but for his father.

"What?!" I yell at him a little harsher than intended, "Why the fuck wouldn't you want me to beat his ass? After what he's done to you?!"

"D-Damien..." He stutters, tears in his eyes, "Please s-stop it..."

I leave my hands in fists, in case his dad tries anything.

"Get the fuck out of here." I say to him as he stumbles into an upright position.

"You know, as soon as I can, I'm taking you back. Your mother would be so pissed at you for leaving me." He warns Josiah.

We stand in silence and watch him get into his car and drive away. Hopefully, that's the last we will see of him. But I doubt it.

As soon as he's out of sight, I turn to Josiah and ask, "Are you okay?"

Josiah doesn't reply. He just looks stunned.

I gently take his hand and lead him to the car.

He seems like he's gone into another catatonic-like state.

I start panicking, my hands shaking as I buckle him and I up.

What did I just do...?

He's never going to forgive me.


I take him home and lead him up to my room, making sure to lock the door behind us.

I sit our bags on the bed and sit down with him on the couch.

I pull a blanket over our laps and pull him to me, hugging him as gently as possible.

I play with his hair and say softly, "He's gone. It's okay."

He chokes out a strained sob, "I-I sh-should be with him, h-he's my father. What the hell am I h-here for?

"Josiah." I say as forcefully as I think I can without scaring him, "You shouldn't be with someone that hurts you. It doesn't matter if he's your father. He doesn't deserve you, okay? You have to be safe. Not scared all of the time." I say to him again, for what seems like the millionth time.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now