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Post-serum Steve, pre-winter soldier

Howard Stark took the microphone from Steve. "It's been an incredible night here at the Stark Gala, all thanks to our very own Captain America, and his sweetheart, Miss Peggy Carter!"

The audience erupted with applause and cheering. Steve gave a wide smile. He glanced beside him at Peggy, who's smile didn't quite reach her eyes. He took her hand and led her farther up the stage, into the spotlight. She gave a small bow.

"Look at that! What a gentleman! Why don't you give America a little show of your love for this lady?" Howard prompted.

Steve gave a little chuckle before turning to Peggy. He mouthed the words, Are you okay with that?

She gave a slight nod. Steve put an hand on her waist and pulled her in. There was a second of hesitation before they interlocked lips. The kiss only lasted a moment.

The audience was satisfied and the applause only got louder. Steve led Peggy off of the stage before Howard could try and request more.

They stopped outside of Steve's dressing room, well out of the public's eye.

"I'm really sorry about him," Peggy confessed. "I'll ask him to keep the PDA at a minimum."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Now get in there," Peggy said, gesturing to the door with Steve's name on it. "I'll keep watch."

He nodded with gratitude and turned to the door. He softly knocked.

A muffled voice came from the other side. "No need to knock, dumbass. It's your room."

Steve laughed and walked in. Most of the room was full of clothing racks and wardrobes, but on the far wall was a vanity. Sitting a top the glorified desk was a brunette man wearing camo pants and dark green t-shirt. His black combat boots were slightly unlaced and a pair of dog tags hung from his neck. He rested his chin in his hands and stared at Steve as he changed out of his uniform.

Steve noticed this and smirked. "Like what you see?" he teased as he pulled a clean white t-shirt over his toned chest.

Bucky sighed. "Damn right."

Steve stored away his clothes before walking over to Bucky. He stood between the brunette's legs. They took a moment to simply admire one another before Steve cupped Bucky's jaw and pulled him in. Bucky draped his arms around Steve's neck as their tongues intertwined.

Bucky pulled away too soon.

"What's the matter?" Steve asked, tracing his thumb along Bucky's jawline.

"Stark made you two kiss, didn't he?" Bucky whispered.

"Yeah," Steve admitted. "I hate it as much as you do."

Bucky slowly nodded, avoiding Steve's gaze.

"Darling?" Steve tried.

He licked his lips before speaking. "Can I ask you something, Stevie?"


"Are you happy? Do you like what we have? I know that what we are is dangerous and puts both of us at risk. If you ever left me for something easier, I'd—,"

"Bucky." He finally looked up and met his boyfriend's gaze. "You... are the best part of my life. If it weren't for you, I would have been dead a long time ago. I wouldn't trade you for anyone. And I promise you that one day, it will be you that I'm kissing in front of the whole world, not Peggy. We'll get there."

Bucky blinked away tears. "Th- thanks."

"Come here." Steve pulled Bucky in for a long hug. He rubbed his back and kissed his hair. "Thank you for talking to me about this. I love you."

"I love you, too."

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