bucky's internal battle.

213 7 0

TW: abuse, homophobic slurs

I like girls.

But Steve. He's pretty.

That's what I told dad.

Dad didn't like that.

Steve asked where the bruise came from.

I lied and said that I fell.

His fingers brushed against it.

That felt nice.


Steve got in a fight again.

I bandaged him up.

I ran my fingers through his golden hair.

We were so close.

But dad. Dad came home too soon.

Two more punches.

Steve punched back.

We ran away.


I made Steve smile today.

He makes me feel the way I feel about girls.

That's not okay. Dad said so.

No. Dad can go to hell.

We held hands as we walked home.


I kissed him.

I didn't want to stop kissing him.

I can't help but stare at him.

He stared back.

So I kissed him again.


Dad came back.

He said I wasn't his son.

He called me queer.

He called me a faggot.

He tried to hit Steve.

I punched him until he couldn't stand.


Steve is sick.

I stayed by his side.

I read him stories while holding his hand.

I made him soup and played with his hair until he fell asleep.


Steve got better.

We kissed again.

I told him "I like girls,

but I love you, too."

He leaned in.

I flinched back.

"It's only a hug, Bucky."



I accidentally grabbed his hand at the store today.

We were thrown out.

The pavement made our hands bleed.

But we patched each other up.

I kissed his fingers and called him babydoll.

He said he liked that.

So I said it again as I kissed him.

Fuck, I love him.

Oops, I said that out loud.

He said it back.

That night, we did the things that we were told to only do with a wife.

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