every part of you.

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Steve awoke to the sounds of crashing dishes. He rushed out of his room and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

There, he found Bucky. His hands were pressed to the island countertop, trying to hold himself up. Tangled brown hair fell in front of his face. He seemed exhausted.

Steve took a step closer. "Buck?"

Bucky turned quickly to face his boyfriend. He held a pained expression, clearly in the middle of an internal battle.

"Steve?" He started to walk to him, but stopped when he heard someone running into the room.

Tony was in his fully dressed in his iron suit, save for the helmet. His arm was raised and pointed at Bucky. "Stand down, Barnes."

Steve glanced from between the two. "Tony. Put that down. What's going on?"

"I was alerted that his brain activity was at an abnormal level. I figured this would happen at sometime."

"I'm sorry, you're tracking his vitals??"

"It was just a precaution. You know, for instances like this."

"Tony, what are you saying?" Steve asked, although he already knew deep down.

Stark didn't have a chance to answer. Bucky ran towards him, fist aimed for Tony's exposed face.

"Bucky, no!" Steve yelled, tackling him to the ground. He straddled the brunette, pinning his arms down. "Bucky, look at me."

After fighting the restraint for a moment, he calmed down and met Steve's concerned gaze.

"That's it. Focus on my voice. You're safe."

Just as it seemed that the episode was over, Tony shifted his stance, which was enough to put Bucky back in a rage. Steve was caught off guard, giving Bucky a chance to push him off and stand up. He confronted Tony and hooked him right in the jaw. The iron man fought back, and soon the two men were caught in a fist fight. Steve tried to intervene but was quickly punched in the gut by a metal fist that sent him flying across the room.

He began to sit up, determined to stop the fight before someone was seriously injured. Someone else got there before him though.

A small dart zipped through the air, hitting Bucky in the neck. Steve looked in the direction the dart had come from and saw Nat.

She was up on the loft, a small tranquilizer in hand. It seemed to Steve that she must have been standing there the whole time, watching and waiting.

Steve turned his attention back to Bucky. He was sprawled across the floor, completely knocked out. He ran over and dropped to the floor beside him.

"Ah Buck, what am I gonna do with you?"

He picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder. Before going back upstairs, Steve turned to Nat. He gave her an appreciative nod. A small smile toyed at her mouth in return.

Once Steve had gotten them back to their room, he laid Bucky on his side of the bed. He moved to the other side and sat on the edge with a sigh. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the anxiety that still persisted despite the wonders of the serum.

He heard a groan behind him. "Steve?"

Bucky began to sit up, rubbing his temples. Steve climbed on the bed and moved closer.


They made eye contact. For a full minute, no words were spoken, yet paragraphs of conversation seemed to pass between.

"Oh god, what have I done?" Bucky finally said, hiding his face in his hands.

"It's not your fault. And nothing serious happened."

Bucky looked at him, the guilt visible in his eyes.

"Come here," Steve said softly, tugging Bucky over to him. The brunette fell into his arms. He pushed his face into Steve's shoulder and began to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Steve."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Buck. You didn't ask for any of this."

"What if it happens again? I don't want to hurt you. You should just freeze me again."

Steve hugged him tighter. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you go again. I'm with you..."

"... till the end of the line. I know."

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