Chapter 19- Wings

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(Above is Can't Help Falling In Love With You- cover by Haley Reinhart)

~~Dream's POV~~

"I'm here to help you, like I am for each hunter every year." The creature was somehow human. They had ginger hair and looked oddly familiar to Dream.

"How can we trust you?" George challenged, defensively. "How do we know you won't kill us or trap us?"

"My son was in these challenges as a hunter." The stranger mumbled, a wave of sadness washed over their face. "And, you." The person pointed at Dream. "You knew him, I recognized you." a small smile crept upon the strangers face, although the sadness remained there.

Dream's eyes widened. George stood, confusion in his eyes. He was still in a defensive stance, standing next to Dream.

"Wait, you're his father?" Dream exclaimed, knowing why the man seemed familiar. "He was in the 9th Manhunt, right?"

The man nodded sadly. "Yep, he was. You remember his name, right?"

"Yeah, Fundy." Dream replied simply, as if he had been wanting a chance to mention Fundy again after all of the years he'd been gone. He sighed remembering he'd never return.

"If I remember right, you were his boyfriend?" The man asked. "You guys were dating for like, a year."

Dream nodded, glancing over at George nervously. George was frozen in place. 

"I'm Philza." He reached out to shake George's hand after realizing he forgot to introduce himself to George.

George paused for a moment, then slowly reached out and shook Philza's hand.

Dream felt George's energy change after shaking Philza's hand.

Is George jealous of my dead partner? Dream thought, a hint of bitterness in his mind. Why would someone be jealous of that?

George was staring into Dream's eyes. Dream stood there awkwardly, glancing at George.

"Uhm, do you guys need a second?" Philza asked after a few minutes.

George nodded vigorously. Dream shrugged.

Philza sighed and stepped away, out of earshot.

"Do you love Fundy?" George asked almost immediately. 

"What the fuck is that kind of question?" Dream asked, infuriated that George was jealous of someone who has been dead for five years. 

George hesitated for a moment. "Answer my question." He finally said.

"Why should I?" Dream demanded, fighting back tears. "Why should I answer such a stupid question?"

"Tell me why it's stupid." George mumbled. 

Dream scoffed. "Because he'd been dead for five years. It doesn't matter if I loved him, I can't now." Dream stated, rolling his eyes.

"Well, do you love him?" George repeated. "Answer or I'm leaving."

"So much for loving me." Dream muttered under his breath, not allowing George to hear. "Then leave." Dream spoke that sentence louder than the last one.

"I'm telling all the hunters your location." George threatened, unnecessary anger burning through him more than the lava burnt Sapnap.

Before Dream could reply, George stormed off.

Dream's first idea of what to do was run over to where Philza was waiting.

"We need to go, George is calling the hunters!" Dream said, panicked.

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