Chapter 14- Lava

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(Ik they should be burning, but we're just gonna pretend they aren't for the sake of my sanity-)

~~Dream's POV~~

Dream stepped out of the cave to see lava flowing down into a pool far below. There was a thin pathway leading down to a lower level, closer to the lava. George followed him out, being careful not to fall into the lava.

"Dream, is this the Nether?" George's eyes were widened in fear. He was looking at the lava surrounding them.

Suddenly, they heard a noise. Dream whipped his head around and saw an orange figure emerge from the portal.

Sapnap! Dream gasped and without thinking, he started dashing down the thin blood stone pathway.

~~Sapnap's POV~~

Of course, Dream is here with George. Sapnap thought, looking at Dream run off, leaving George standing outside of the cave.

Sapnap ran up to George. "I'll deal with you after this." He hissed, running after Dream. George followed behind him.

"Get back here Dream!" Sapnap yelled, chasing Dream on the narrow path.

~~Dream's POV~~

Dream kept running down, not caring what Sapnap was yelling to him. 

Dream closed his eyes as he darted down the path because they stung from the heat from the fires around him.

Suddenly, he felt his foot get caught on something. He was still moving forward, but he was pulled back and fell off the cliff.

No! Dream thought, panicked. He grabbed at the blood stone and managed to hold on with one hand. He reached up with his other arm, trying to get a grip on the stone.

Eventually, he succeeded in getting a grip with his other hand. Dream looked up and saw Sapnap walking over to him. George had been following.

Dream was trying to get up to fight Sapnap, but couldn't get himself up.

Sapnap kneeled on the ground and looked Dream in the eyes. George stood and watched anxiously.

"Dream, don't expect me to save you now." Sapnap whispered in an ominous tone.

Well of course you wouldn't save me. Dream rolled his eyes.

George tried to step forward.

"No, stay there!" Sapnap's voice was laced with hatred. His eyes looked as if they were flashing red.

George froze in place and backed up against the burning blood stone behind him.

Sapnap looked back to Dream, preparing to hit him into the lava far below.

"Any last words?" Sapnap asked, glaring at Dream.

Dream was trying to quickly think of a plan. After a few seconds of looking around, he came out with an idea.

"Sorry." He mumbled to Sapnap.

Sapnap looked confused for a second. Dream swung one of his arms up and grabbed Sapnap's shoulder. He pulled Sapnap down, giving him enough momentum to get himself up. Dream got back up and Sapnap was now gripping onto the blood stone.

Dream looked at the ground behind him. He saw a red vine.

Oh, so that's what I tripped on. Dream thought. He glanced up and saw George, who still looked a little scared.


George nodded slowly and then walked over to Dream, now only standing slightly behind him.

Dream gave a quick nod to George and turned to face Sapnap, who was now in the place Dream was in a few minutes ago.

"Sapnap, I didn't want to kill you." Dream said. What he said was true, he didn't want to kill anyone.

"Fuck you!" Sapnap yelled, fighting to get himself up.

~~George's POV~~ 

George had a plan.

He pulled out his axe and quietly moved beside Dream. Dream noticed, but Sapnap wasn't paying attention. George raised his axe and swung it at Sapnap's hand. George's eyes were closed because he didn't want to see what he did.

Sapnap let go with that hand. It was covered in blood. The axe had cut through the skin and slightly into the bone. Sapnap was in shock for a minute, and then let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Both Dream and George covered their ears.

~~Sapnap's POV~~

Sapnap held onto the edge with one hand. He almost passed out from blood loss. His suit was covered in blood and he was still yelling in pain.

No! Hold on! Sapnap was forcing himself to hold onto the edge. For Jenny! (his twin if you don't remember)

Tears were forming in Sapnap's eyes.

~~Dream's POV~~

Dream stared in shock, looking between George and Sapnap. Something snapped in Dream's mind.

I know where I recognize Sapnap from.. Dream thought, suddenly. His eyes widened. He didn't want to kill Sapnap anymore.

Sapnap and Dream were friends when they were 5 and 4. Eventually, Sapnap and Dream grew apart. That was when they were 7 and 8. They hadn't seen each other since.

Dream snapped back to reality when Sapnap let out another blood-curdling scream.

"George?" Dream finally asked, blocking out Sapnap's yells.

~~George's POV~~

George opened his eyes slowly and saw what he did to Sapnap. There, he saw a man covered in blood, hanging off a blood stone cliff, crying out in pain.

What have I done? George thought, panicked. He's supposed to be my teammate, and I just almost cut off his hand.

George dropped his bloody axe on the ground and stared at Sapnap. George fell onto his knees, eyes wide in terror. He was frozen.

~~Dream's POV~~

I can't decide.. Dream thought. Do I kill Sapnap or save him? He'd kill me if I saved him.

Dream bit his lip and closed his eyes, like George had done when he hit Sapnap's hand with the axe. He raised his leg up and stomped down on Sapnap's remaining hand.

Sapnap let go, and yelled again.

"No!" He yelled as he fell down. His screams faded as he fell further down.

~~Sapnap's POV~~

This can't be happening.. Sapnap thought as he fell. Somehow, he was calmer than expected. He knew it was the end. He knew there was no shot at surviving this.

"George, you traitor." He muttered under his breath, right before hitting the lava.

~~George's POV~~

"What have I done?" George looked down at the lava his once friend had fallen into. He had never murdered someone before. George would forever live with the guilt of killing someone.

"What have we done?" Dream corrected. He also had a slight look of terror in his eyes.

Sapnap burnt to death.

(Sadge :p)

(1062 words)

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