Chapter 12-Dandelions

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(fyi they all have "inventories" like in minecraft)

~~George's POV~~

Dream and George ran away from the village. George and Dream's hands were intertwined as Dream led them through the birch trees. George had no clue where they were going.

"C'mon, just through these trees!" Dream said, somehow sounding excited and nervous at the same time. "Close your eyes, George."

George shut his eyes and let Dream lead him through the forest, this time blindly for George.

I wonder where we are going. George thought, smiling.

After a few minutes, George felt the sun hit his face and the air flow through his dark brown hair.

"Can I open my eyes?" George whispered softly.

"Yes," Dream replied. "Open your eyes."

George slowly opened his eyes to see a majestic dandelion field with horses roaming freely through the flowers. It was the perfect time of the day to see the field (the golden hour lmao).

"Woah, I haven't seen this place yet, I've only been in the forest." George exclaimed, looking around. George let go of Dream's hand and sprinted into the field.

George was running through the dandelions. The white dandelions had seeds soaring off of them while the yellow dandelions swayed in the wind.

~~Dream's POV~~

Dream smiled as he watched George. He wanted to join George, but also wanted to just stand and watch him.

"Don't just stand there, c'mon!" George finally yelled over to Dream. Dream couldn't resist running through the field any longer and started chasing after George.

"Get back here George!" Dream yelled playfully as he tried to catch George. He was laughing as George tried to run away.

Dream was close enough to George and leaped onto him, knocking them both onto the grass. They were both silent for a moment, then burst out into laughter.

"I'm getting hungry." Dream mumbled, after they had stopped laughing.

"Here, Ranboo gave me some bread." George handed Dream a slice of bread. "I already ate my piece, so you can have this."

Dream smiled and took the bread, eating it quickly. "Thanks!" Dream mumbled as he chewed the bread. 

~~George's POV~~

George lay down on the grass, closing his eyes. He was tired and some of the scratches on him still hurt. There was one deep cut from a stone on the back of his neck that stung. His head still hurt from rocks and wood falling on him. It was hurting him to run around and fall onto the ground (pog through the pain).

"Are you tired, Georgie?" Dream asked calmly. His voice was full of kindness. 

George nodded weakly. Dream didn't say another word. George started to drift off to sleep. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt arms wrap around him.

~~Sapnap's POV~~ (this takes place while Dream and George are sleeping in the OPEN FIELD smh)

Sapnap was watching Ranboo bury Lily's cold body. There was a small field behind Technoblade's house where there was room to bury her. Ranboo was scratching Lily's name into the stone.

After a moment, Ranboo stood up and backed up to stand next to Sapnap in silence.

He muttered something that sounded like a messed up backwards English. "⟟'⋔ ⌇⍜⍀⍀⊬.."

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