Chapter 10-Slate

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~~Drista's POV~~

Drista was sitting on her bed, listening to Minx running around the house, cleaning up the mess Dream had left. It had already been two days since Drista had seen Dream and she missed him.

Drista had been staring at her light green bedroom walls for the past hour, drowning in her thoughts. Finally, she got up and walked out of her room. The house look significantly cleaner than before.

"Minx?" Drista called into the hall.

"What?" Minx called back. She was in the living room. "Drista, is anything wrong?"

"No!" Drista ran into the living room. "Minx?"

"What?" Minx asked again. Minx was sitting on the sky blue couch.

"When is Dream coming home?" Drista asked, curiously. 

Minx shook her head. "Look, Drista, I don't know. He might not come back."

"He will, he promised." Drista stated. "He never lies."

Minx shrugged. "I mean, my sister promised me ten years ago she'd come back and never did."

"Who's your sister?" Drista asked, getting up onto the couch and sitting down.

"Her name was Cara. She hung out with me and Nihachu all the time when we were kids." Minx explained, being careful not to say anything that would upset Drista. "We called her Captain Puffy, because she always wanted to be a pirate."

"What happened to Cara?" Drista looked up at Minx. Minx looked uncomfortable.

"Well she became a runner. She was very good." Minx smiled at the thought of Puffy. "She almost beat the dragon, but was killed by one of the hunters, who died at the same time from the dragon."

"Woah." Drista was in awe and shock. "Was she brave?"

"She was the closest ever to beating the dragon, and she was only twelve at the time." Minx explained. Her tone was soft. "You would have liked her, Drista."

Drista smiled. "She sounds great!" Drista chirped up. 

"Do you have any more questions?" Minx asked, looking at Drista.

Drista shook her head. 

~~Dream's POV~~ (this takes place while Drista's POV takes place and longer)

Dream felt awkward watching Sapnap cry. He couldn't do anything to stop Sapnap from crying. Ranboo walked over to Dream.

"You can leave, I'll make sure George is okay." Ranboo whispered in Dream's ear.

Dream nodded in response and quietly left, knowing George would be okay in Ranboo's care.

Okay, materials. Dream reminded himself. The word "materials" played on repeat in his head as he looked for a shop in the village that sold slate or flint and steel.


Fear grew in Dream's body as he looked around for who called out. This was a village, and it was expected for people to be yelling, especially since children live in  the village, but Dream was anxious and anyone yelling anything would make him jump.

Dream was frozen in place. Why?

"Okay, calm down." Dream sounded as if he was out of breath, but he hadn't been running. "There's no one there, I am in a village, it's expected for people to be talking. I'm okay." Dream repeated "I'm okay," to himself multiple times. 

Dream began tapping his hand on his side. He did that for a few minutes until he was calm again.

Why did such a small thing cause that? Dream thought. He was breathing normally again. 

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Dream jumped and turned around, ready to defend himself. Behind him, he saw a villager. He didn't recognize them, so he lowered his arms.

"Do you need slate for the Nether?" the villager asked. They had long pale blond hair. It was almost white. They had blue eyes and a dark brown sweater with two white stripes across it. They had a red skirt on and black shoes.

"Wait- how do you know I'm a runner?" Dream questioned.

The villager laughed. "You have a lime suit on, it's Speedrun season, you look alert, and I saw you running around here yesterday. Do I need to explain further?"

Dream shook his head.

"I'm Alyssa, by the way." She said, motioning for Dream to follow her.

"I'm Dream." Dream smiled and followed Alyssa through the village. She led him to a small shack on the outskirts of the village. 

"This is my shop." Alyssa explained, opening the door. The inside of the shop was incredibly clean and neat. "Now, you need a pound of slate, right?"

Dream nodded and Alyssa started rummaging through cabinets around the shop. Dream stood and watched her, wondering if he should help. He decided not to. He'd probably just make a mess of the shop anyways.

After a few minutes of rummaging around, Alyssa stood up. "Okay, the slate must be in the back room." she said, hurrying off through the door.

Dream heard Alyssa ask, "Where is the Slate?"

Does she talk to herself too? Dream asked himself. Dream was curious, so he looked through the back door. He saw Alyssa talking to another villager. The other villager was pointing at boxes, but not talking in response.

Dream backed away from the door, not wanting to disturb Alyssa. She was helping him, after all.

After a few more minutes of Dream standing around, Alyssa came out of the back room, holding half a pound of slate.

"My friend is getting the other half." Alyssa explained before Dream could ask about it.

"So, uh, how much does this cost?" Dream asked, knowing he had no money.

"Well, I'm assuming you have no money." Alyssa stared at Dream.

Dream nodded, embarrassed. 

"Well you could do me a favor." Alyssa said. "It's a little difficult, but I need to make my shop an official shop and I'm nervous about asking our mayor about it, so maybe you could tell him that this is a good shop and should be official?" Alyssa's voice was higher-pitched on the last few words, as if she was embarrassed to ask.

"Sure, as long as I get the slate." Dream replied. "Who's your mayor?"

"He should be outside right now. He normally walks around at 3:00 and it's 3:15 right now." Alyssa explained, checking the watch around her wrist.

Just then, Alyssa's friend walked out of the back door, carrying the other half of the slate that Dream needed.

"Thank you." Dream told the other villager.

The villager nodded in response.

Before Dream could say anything, Alyssa chimed in. "He's mute, by the way."

"Okay, so where is the mayor right now?" Dream asked.

"He's probably near the fountain. Just go outside and look to the left, you can't miss it." Alyssa explained, pointing to the left as she spoke.

Dream nodded slowly. "Okayy, and what is his name?"

"Mayor Schlatt."

(A/N okay, this chapter is a little shorter than my last two chapters, but it does have at least 1000 words, which is my main goal. I'm trying to get as many chapters in as I can while I have motivation. I'm going on a three-four day camping trip in like a week so I need to use my motivation lol have a poggers day/night)

(1181 words) 

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