Chapter 9: BloodBath

137 8 47

December 12 2009 (Thursday, 11:40 PM)

The Whole Group ran away splitting into two groups, But Seth was alone. He was running away trying to look for Alex or anyone. Meanwhile Alex and Tay ran to a Cabin as Both of them were hiding.

Chris and Eva were in a Shed as Eva was panicking.

Eva: Chris! Im really sca-

Chris: Shhh Don't make any noise, Eva. . . We will get through this.

Eva: But-

She kept quiet and went behind Chris as Johnson was staying cautious.

Meanwhile Jason was walking aggressively. He really wanted to get his hands on one of the group, Jason saw many Trail Of Footsteps, He had many ways to go as Jason walked to his left.

Avril and Micheal were walking silently, gripping Avril's wrist just so she won't feel scared. Avril was shakily walking as Micheal was looking every corner.

Micheal: I think we lost him.

Avril: N-Not for long though, Micheal, I really wanna get out of this place.

Micheal: We will, Avril. Let's find the others first.

Avril nodded as Micheal heard some strange noises as Avril was scared.

Avril: *Whispers* What was that???

Micheal: I don't know, I don't like it though.

McMahon looked around He was trying to somewhere to hide.

Seth found a Barn to stay in, He heard strange noises and needed to hide from Jason. Seth shut the barn as Rollins was breathing heavily. He was very worried about Alex and the Group. Rollins was looking around before he heard Jason trying to open the door as Seth was stepping back in fear.

Seth: Oh no. . .

Rollins quickly hid behind some hay stacks as Jason was struggling to open the door before he started hitting the door with a Machete to open it as Seth was holding his breath.

Meanwhile Alex was trying to call Seth as Tay was Looking around, Seth wasn't answering the phone as Alex felt upset.

Tay: Is Seth answering your calle?

Alex: *Sighs* No he isn't, In the worst timing My battery is about to die.

Alex stared in anger as He kept calling Seth, Tay was looking around and was feeling worried.

Tay: Alex, We should go looking for my friends and Seth.

Alex looked at her, He was a bit worried since Jason was still out there and Didn't want Tay or anyone to get hurt. But hiding won't do anything, He nodded as Alex got up and called Seth but he wasn't answering.

Alex: Come on, Seth. Don't scare me like that.

Taynara looked at the ground as Alex got up and kept his phone on his pocket. Alex and Taynara left the Cabin and began looking around.

Avril and Micheal found a Shed as Avril was behind Micheal, holding his hand. Micheal slowly opened the door and peeked a little to see if Jason was there. When Micheal fully opened the door, He was attacked with a Hockey Stick.

McMahon fell down as Avril got scared and was about to scream until She saw Chris looking worried.

Avril: Chris!?!?!

Chris: Oh no, Micheal.

Micheal: *Holds Head* Ow. . . What was that for???

Eva: We're so sorry Micheal! W-We thought you were the Killer.

Chris and Avril helped Micheal, McMahon got up and looked at the two as He shooked his head.

Micheal: Its okay, I understand. . . He is the main reason to Chelsea, Robert and Randy's disappearance.

He said as Avril nodded and fixed her hair.

Avril: Thats r-right. He nust have did something to Natayla also.

Everyone agreed and were worried as Chris looked at them.

Chris: Did you guys see him?

Avril: No, But I know he is still out there.

Micheal: True, Did anyone of you found the rest?

Eva: No, We ran to hide in this shed. I don't know about the rest but I really hope their okay.

Avril: I hope so as well, Alex, Seth and Tay were telling the truth.

They looked at eachother as The Four decided to keep moving and avoid Jason.

Meanwhile Jason breaked half of the door as He got inside and looked around, Jason was slowly walking and was looking around while holding his Machete, Seth heard the noises as He was trying to stay calm.

( What are those noises he's making? . . . . )

Jason began moving some boxes and was looking through every corner to find anyone as He pushed some Hay stacks and checked carefully. He was distracted as Seth took that as an opportunity and sneakily got up, He slowly walked as Jason was still searching.

Until Seth stepped on some Hay which made noises as Jason stopped and turned, He placed those hays just so anyone could get caught, Seth saw the angry on his eye as Rollins was gonna run away but Jason ran first and grabbed Seth by the hair.

Seth: Let me go!!

Rollins was struggling as Jason dragged Rollins by his hair, Seth tried to kick Jason's knee which worked as Rollins was starting to run.

Jason got angry and throw a Hay stack on front of the door as Seth was gonna moved it away until He turned and was met by. . .

Seth was holding his stomach as Rollins's eyes were widen, Jason lifted him up as Seth was in pain, His body was slowly impaled by the Rake, Before Seth breathed his final breath

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Seth was holding his stomach as Rollins's eyes were widen, Jason lifted him up as Seth was in pain, His body was slowly impaled by the Rake, Before Seth breathed his final breath. He saw the anger on Jason's eyes as Seth was dead. . .

Jason stared at Seth for a few seconds by He put Seth on the floor and got the bloody Rake off of his stomach and threw it away as Jason was starring and walked away.

Meanwhile in the mines, Zelina woke up as She noticed Jason wasn't around. She was tired of staying in this place and desperately wanted to get out, She once got out but Voorhees caught her and brought her back.

Vega sighed and almost felt like crying, She remembered how she saw all of her friends getting slaughtered by Voorhees. She even was thinking about Seth, How much worried could he be right now?

Zelina's eyes caught something, She saw the keys to her cuffs. Although it was hard to reach, But Zelina decided to try and get the cuffs. She used her leg to get it but it wasn't working.

She didn't give up though and tried her best before she got the keys further as she grabbed it with her cuffed hands and tried to open it. Which was successful, Zelina was finally free as She quickly got up and ran away from the mines.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading and Stay strong! :)

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