Chapter 5: Sinister Intentions

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December 12 2009 (Thursday)

The Group had their snacks and Dolph was confused yet really upset about Chelsea and Robert's sudden disappearance.

Dolph: Where did those two go???

Esmeray: Probably somewhere, Call them.

Peyton: We already finished snacks and they haven't returned.

Anne: They are obviously making out or doing something weird.

Natayla: Hey, Was that an Insult!?

Eva: *Sighs* Don't start fighting now.

Randy: Why did you even invited these losers here, Dolph?

Dolph shrugged as Avril looked upset at the them.

Avril: Hey! We planned this vacation Dolph, You should be happy that you came.

Tom: Otherwise you would be staying at home with your girlfriend.

Chris: Who even invited these people???

Dolph: Shut up! Do you want me to kick you all out of this Cabin?

They rolled their eyes and kept quiet not wanting to keep arguing with a "Child" they say.

At Night.

It was night as Natayla had the drinks for everyone while everyone was relaxing. Esmeray went to the radio and played some music.

Everyone was dancing, Singing and cheering. They were having fun and enjoying the song as Micheal was looking at Dolph and Randy which which were dancing. . . .

Tom: Seriously???

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Tom: Seriously???

Chris: Argh, They just ruined this weekend.

Micheal: You got a point. It would be much better if they weren't here.

Tobias: We gotta deal with it though.

Esmeray: Tobias! Come and Dance with me.

Tobias smiled and held Esmeray's hand as Both of them were dancing together, Chris was drinking alcohol as They were drinking, Dancing and having fun. Anne was smiling and cheering as She looked at the window with Tom.

Anne: It looks really beautiful, Doesn't it?

Tom: True, Its snowing a little as well

Anne: *Smiles* Maybe we should go out and look around Crystal lake.

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