Chapter 4: Camp Blood

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December 12 2009 (Thursday)

Both Alex and Seth have been searching for answers for their missing friends but are unable to find any information, They stopped by and wanted to rest for sometime. Seth was drinking water as Alex was looking at the missing pictures.

Seth: Dont worry Alex, We will find information.

Alex: I know that, Seth. It still confuses me, Zelina nor her group ever called or messaged us after they went to Crystal Lake . .

Seth: *Sighs* I'm more worried as well. And That strange women has been in my head.

Alex: "Never Visit Camp Blood"

Seth and Alex were in thoughts until Seth saw an Old Man looking around as He told Alex to follow him and ask the Man.

Alex: Excuse me, Sir. Can we take a moment and talk to you?

Man: Sure. . . Go ahead.

Seth: Have you seen these people? They are our friends and were last seen in Crystal Lake.

Man: Crystal Lake?

Alex: Yes, Have you seen them?

Man: Why did they go there? . . . .

Seth and Alex looked at eachother as Seth fixed his beanie.

Seth: Look, My Girlfriend Zelina wanted to hang out with her friends and celebrate her birthday. . . But after that, They never contacted us.

Man: They must be already at Home. . . And Don't ever visit Camp Blood.

The same response as The Old Women said. Alex and Seth looked at eachother as Alex spoke.

Alex: Sir. . . They aren't at home and Why do people keep mentioning about Camp Blood? We had the same response from another women. What's happening?

Man: You don't want to know what that place is. Once you enter-

Suddenly They saw another older man running as He looked upset.

Man: Hey. Don't scare these kids. Stop it

They seemed to be brothers. That old man looked at Seth and Alex as Seth was starring at Alex as The Man told his brother to follow him.

Man: Take this as a warning. . . Don't go there.

He walked away as Alex was starring at the old man.

Seth: What is going on?. . . .

Alex: *Sighs* This is too much, We should go to Crystal Lake.

Seth: What? Are you sure?

Alex looked at Seth as He fixed his messy brown hair.

Alex: We can only find our answers if we go there.

Seth knew Alex was telling the truth, He nodded in agreement as They got on the bike together.

Meanwhile The Group just finished taking a nap after their long roadtrip. Dolph was in the living room looking excited. He heard a knock on the door as He smiled and opened the door.

Dolph: Heyy Guys! It's been awhile.

A Man high fived Dolph as Four people entered the Cabin.

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