Bonus 1 Cookie Monster

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"It's done!" Mi Ni jumped up instantly, much to poor Dino's confusion as he tripped once again.

Taking pity on their clumsy pup, Ye Jin lifted Dino from the ground, snuggling the puppy's face close to hers lovingly. Cooing gently, the mother placed Dino down in his bed, trusting Rose to watch over the clumsy one so that she could watch over hers. Helping the twins with the piping hot cake trays, Ye Jin effortlessly removed the cake pans and left the cake to cool.

During that time, the twins started making the icing as they each came up with a design for their special gifts.

"Stop eating the icing, Ni Ni! We barely have enough for the cupcakes!" Mi Ri took the bowl away from her twin, laughing slightly at Mi Ni's shenanigans.

"They're good though...Try it!" Mi Ni tried to stick her finger in her twin's mouth.

"Ani, I'll try it later."


Moments later, the girls got to work, icing the cake under the watchful eye of their mother. Mi Ri had a concentrated glower on her face as she swirled the icing around the cupcakes whereas Mi Ni had her tongue sticking out from her mouth as she carelessly decorated the cake with colourful squiggly lines.

By the time Hyun Bin woke up, the cakes were stored safely in the refrigerator.

"Good morning, honey." Ye Jin gave Hyun Bin a light kiss on his lips.

"Mmm, good morning." His deep tenor reverberated across the room, his chest rumbling with fondness over the sight of his girls smiling at him.

Still slightly dazed from sleep, the man had a few strands of hair sticking out at odd angles as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Yet, through his languid state, the man still managed a sleepy smile as he gave the twins a hug.

"Appa, let's eat! I'm hungry!" Mi Ni tried to drag him to the table although the man didn't budge despite his jellybean's best efforts.

For some reason, the twins were particularly excited about breakfast that morning as Mi Ri tried to help her twin. Shaking his head in amusement at their children, Hyun Bin finally walked over to the dining table with the twins in tow.

"What's for breakfast?" The man asked, completely oblivious to the surprise waiting for him.

"Cake!" His wife interjected then, holding up the plate of homemade birthday goodness the twins had prepared.

"Happy birthday, appa!" The twins chorused happily, much to the man's surprise.

After weeks of stressing over the new ballet, Hyun Bin had conveniently forgotten about his birthday. But what he forgot, his family didn't, and warmth blossomed in his chest as his swan girl placed the cake in front of him.

As with all his birthdays, the usual birthday song sung by his loved ones blessed his ears and the man's godly dimples made their appearance as he looked around at his precious family.

No one birthday has been the same for Hyun Bin ever since Ye Jin came into his life. The birthday song was one change that has been special to them all. Every single year was a new birthday cover that Hyun Bin cherished for the whole year.

What started off as incoherent babbling from their babies during their first celebration together quickly grew into the angelic rendition of Happy Birthday from their swan babies. As he said, every birthday was different and special to the family and Hyun Bin knew that he would cherish their love forever.

Turning to the twins, the man couldn't help but give each of them a tight bear hug to thank them for his special cake.

"Appa do you like the cake? I made the squiggly lines!" Mi Ni puffed out her chest proudly.

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