74 - Club

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The girls at the university chatted around their table as usual. However, one of the girls saw an unusual pairing.

"Is Song Meilin with Ju De?" Li Chang commented in the university's dining hall.

Wu Ling, An Zhang Mi and Zhu Ah Nin all looked over at the other corner of the room.

Outside of his usual group of friends, Ju De doesn't communicate with anyone else. Ju De would only sit with Ersan, but that was because they knew each other from high school. If Ju De met Ersan in any other setting, they may not e considered as friends.

As for Ersan, he was an architecture student and had no social life once class started. He was either sleeping or in the studio working on a project.

So Ju De ended up sitting by himself and emitted a loner aura that made everyone avoid his table.

As for Rouxi, she was always sitting at a different table. She knew a lot of people, but she wasn't particularly close to anyone. Even though she hung out with Wu Ling during the weekends, they don't usually sit together during lunch.

Wu Ling looked at Zhu Ah Nin curiously. She knew they were dating, but their relationship was rather unusual. They rarely talked about it even though they had been living together for over a year.

"They are working on a case," Zhu Ah Nin replied.

"What case?" Li Ching wondered.

"Random cold cases."

"Really!?" An Zhang Mi sounded excited. "Why are they working on cold cases?"

Zhu Ah Nin shrugged her shoulders, she wasn't sure either. She could read Ju De's lips, but Rouxi was facing the other way.

"Why don't we join their table?" Wu Ling asked. She could tell that Zhu Ah Nin also wanted to know.

The girls approached the table, which had photos of doctors scattered across the surface of the table.

"It's not the rheumatologist, he's not thorough and lacks any sort of methodological thinking," Rouxi said as threw the photo aside.

Ju De looked at the twelve photographs still scattered on the table.

"How did you get the photographs?" Rouxi asked.

"Someone hacked the hospital system and got the photos."

"Senior Fuzheng?"

Ju De nodded and reorganized the photos. He didn't want to disclose too much information to her.

It wasn't her reputation that worried him, but it was her ability to act normal. He did not know much about Xuxu's business dealings, but if his sister's business partner was Rouxi, then her identity wasn't simple. She had also fooled Li Yun before, so Ju De was cautious of her.

Rouxi heard two people near the table and glanced to see the girls heading their way. "Ah! Perfect timing you guys! We need more people for the Detective Club."

"Detective Club?" Zhu Ah Nin eyed Ju De carefully. "Why?"

"I was just passing by when I saw a bunch of pictures," Rouxi explained. "I asked him what he was doing, and he told me about the cold cases. I then thought it would be a brilliant idea to create a Detective Club."

"She's my sister's friend," Ju De explained to his girlfriend.

"Sister Xuxu's friend?" asked Zhu Ah Nin.

After a quick introduction to everyone, they realized that Ju De was helping Li Yun on a case.

Ju De was forced to explain the case. Wu Ling felt her head exploding. She wasn't used to solving cases and had no idea why she was pulled into the situation. Somehow, by the end of the week, they worked their way to narrowing the suspects to four people.

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