You need to hide

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Hongjoong followed Seonghwa's gaze.


They both turned to look at Yeosang who was still trying to figure out what they were talking about.

"He can't see you. He'll lost it."

"You need to hide."

The two of them removed their coats and attempted to throw them over him but it wasn't very effective. But as they made an attempt to fix it, a loud banging scared them. Seonghwa spun around, meeting Jongho's eyes looking down at him in the window.

"Let me in!"

Seonghwa felt awful leaving him out in this weather but the only available seat was next to Yeosang. And though he might be invisible from the outside, Jongho would definitely notice another life form sitting next to him.

Seonghwa didn't know what to do. So Hongjoong improvised.

All of a sudden, Hongjoong's shirt was off.

He slipped across Seonghwa's lap, leaning towards the window. Seonghwa felt tingles rushing through him as Hongjoong crept over his crotch but he kept his cool. Even when Hongjoong rested his hand right on his thigh.

Jongho jumped back, not having been able to see another person. And Seonghwa finally understood his plan. They were faking a car-hookup.

Seonghwa was mortified.

But thankful.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to deter him.

"I don't care if you two are hooking up in the front seat just let me in so I can get out of the rain!"

Jongho moved to Yeosang's door and started yanking on it. Seonghwa was worried he might actually rip it open.

He cracked his door a bit to talk to him.

"Jongho, I'm sorry this is just really not a good time—the office is right there! Why don't you just go back in and I'll drop Hongjoong off and come back to get you?"

"Why can't you just let me in? It's not like you're naked!"

"Well not yet," Hongjoong gave a coy smile and ran a hand along Seonghwa's neck, causing him to let out a startled moan.

He panicked and turned back to Jongho who looked disturbed but overall unphased.

"Please. It's pouring."

Seonghwa didn't know what to do. They were out of excuses. Anything else would just be cruel at this point.

"They're trying to cover for me."

Seonghwa spun around, knocking Hongjoong off of him as he looked at Yeosang in fear. That was not an option he had even considered. For Jongho's sake. That was the worst possible option.

Yeosang stepped out of the car and shut the door, standing before Jongho, whose face held no expression.

"Ow, Seonghwa! What the hell?"

Seonghwa remembered Hongjoong and moved to help him sit back in his chair.

"I'm sorry, I was just startled."

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