You're not going to like it

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Hongjoong sat on Seonghwa's bed anxiously. He hadn't wanted to force Seonghwa to face him but he knew deep down he needed closure. So convincing him it was for their cause rather than for Seonghwa's own good was the only way he'd be able to get him to go. But he felt awful.

He couldn't imagine what it must be like to look one's father in the eyes, knowing what kind of horrifying secrets they've been keeping from you.

He tugged on the sleeve of the sweatshirt he'd borrowed from Seonghwa's closet, waiting anxiously for Seonghwa to come home.

Just then he heard the lock click and the door opened. Hongjoong shot up but tried not to look nervous. He didn't want to stress Seonghwa out anymore.

He slowly walked to the kitchen and could tell immediately that Seonghwa was a ball of nerves.

Something was wrong.

The way his hands were fidgeting with the grocery bags, flitting in and out but hardly grabbing anything. The way he bit down on his lower lip.

But as he noticed Hongjoong's presence, he quickly straightened up and a smile stretched across his cheeks.


"Hey, how'd it go?" Hongjoong asked cautiously, walking over to grab an orange from the bags. Seonghwa attempted to grab it back but Hongjoong stuck out his tongue and started peeling it over the garbage.

Seonghwa didn't really seem in the mood to joke around, though. He started looking at the floor.

"Hey, talk to me. Is something wrong? What did he say to you?" Hongjoong felt his words heating up as he thought about that monster making Seonghwa feel small.

"You're not going to like it."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't think he's a bad person."

Hongjoong scoffed, setting the orange down.

"I know, it sounds like an excuse but talking with him today showed me that he regrets it. It's something he's thought about every day since it happened, it haunts him—"

"He told you all of this?"

"Yeah, and I didn't even have to—"

"And you believed him?!"

Seonghwa looked up at Hongjoong, his eyes flashing with something Hongjoong couldn't make out. Was it anger? Pain? Pity?

"I know my father and he's never opened up to me like this before. I've never even seen him cry. But he was a mess, right before me. He really didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident."

"It's called, acting! I would think a cold-blooded money-hungry CEO would be more than capable of manipulating people to believe his every lie!"

"Hongjoong...I'm being serious. I believe him."

"Because he's your father and you feel pity for him?"

"Because he's telling the truth!"

Hongjoong flinched as Seonghwa raised his tone.

"Do you really not trust me?" Hongjoong responded, meeting his eyes.

"Hongjoong this has nothing to do with—"
I told you everything! He destroyed my family! I know what he did! And yet after one night of talking to him you're willing to take his word over mine?"

"I agree that what happened was awful and he should be held responsible but he didn't mean for it to happen! If you would just talk to him I'm sure you would—"

"Fall for his lies just like you?"

"He wasn't lying to me!"

"He lied to you your whole life! Why do you trust him now?"

"He hid it because he was ashamed. It's his biggest regret and he didn't want me to look at him and see his flaws."

"So letting a mother die in his factory is just—a flaw to you?!"

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"I just don't understand why you're taking his side over mine! Clearly one of us is in the right here and it's not the murderer!"

"My dad isn't a murderer!"

Both of them froze.

"What did you just say?"


"No you just said—my dad. So you two spent the day having a father-son bonding session rather than discussing my mom's death."

"We talked about the fire the entire time—"

"Oh so you're just trying it out when you feel like it then?"

"It slipped out before and I may have realized it was better than calling him father but that doesn't mean we weren't focused on you—"

"You know what? I can clearly see that you've got some major daddy issues and it's none of my business so I'll just make your life a hell of a lot easier by stepping out."

Hongjoong stormed to the bedroom and began throwing his belongings back into his suitcase. Seonghwa chased after him.

"Hongjoong, stop! Can we just talk? Let me explain what happened and maybe you'll see what I—"

"I'm done taking to you. Apparently all it takes is a bit of fatherly attention for you to forgive him and my constant appreciation and affirmation means nothing."

"That's not true. You're still the most important person in my life."

"Then choose me!!"

Hongjoong turned to Seonghwa and his eyes were rimmed with tears. How could Seonghwa possibly go against him? How could he betray him? He'd thought they were in this together. What happened to taking down the company together? How had he not seen this coming?

"It's not that I'm not choosing you, I just needed you to know that he's not as bad as you think."

"He let my mom die. That's pretty bad to me. Evidently you don't think so."

"It's not that simple."

"Does it need to be more complicated than that? He killed her. It's his fault. I don't care what excuses he made up, she's dead and he could have prevented it. Or do I have that wrong?"

Seonghwa was silent.

"Goodnight Seonghwa. I hope you enjoy sucking up to your father for the rest of your life."

"Hongjoong, please!"

Seonghwa tried to follow him out but as Hongjoong started to close the door, he paused.

"Don't. Please. I need to be alone."



The door closed and Seonghwa slid down against it, sinking to the ground. He held his head in his hands and wept.

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