I just needed answers

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Finally, the end of the day had come. Seonghwa said goodbye to San quickly before rushing after Jongho who was already making his way out of the office.

He chased him down the hall, down the stairs, and out into the parking lot before he finally gave up and called after him.

"Jongho! Please, I just want to know why you're here!"

He didn't get a response. Jongho had reached his car and was starting to get in.

"Please Jongho! Why did my father send you? And why didn't he tell me?"

At that, Jongho paused what he was doing and looked back at Seonghwa in fear. Hurriedly, he hopped back out of his car and ran to Seonghwa. He grabbed him by his arm and pulled him along behind him to his car, shoving him in and slamming the door.

"Aish—you're going to get me fired!" he yelled and Seonghwa looked down at his hands.

"You can't just talk about your father in public like that! Do you know how many cameras there are? And who knows what employees are walking to their cars right now?!"

"I'm sorry, it's just—I needed to know. I thought he trusted me."

Jongho calmed down a bit and set a hand on Seonghwa's.

"I know, I'm sorry for yelling. You're my senior. I just worry about your safety."

"And I'm grateful! I just don't understand what possible threat there could be at the company."

Jongho sighed and sat back in the driver's seat.

"It doesn't have anything to do with your abilities. Your father trusts you. He just doesn't trust the new employee. If he truly is a spy, he poses a threat to you. We don't know why he's here or what he knows, so it's our safest bet to keep eyes on him. I'm not here to watch over you, I'm here to watch him. Okay?"

Seonghwa looked up at Jongho. He seemed to be telling the truth. Jongho was often a bit hard around the edges but he could be pretty soft when you needed him to. He was good at saying what you wanted to hear.

"Okay. Thank you. I wasn't trying to blow our cover I just needed answers."

"And now you have them."

Seonghwa turned to face the windshield, looking out the window at the city below.

After a moment, Jongho cleared his throat loudly and Seonghwa was snapped back to reality.

"I do have to report to your father. I need to leave now or I'll be late."

"Right, sorry. I'll let you go now."

Seonghwa grabbed his stuff and hopped out of the vehicle and stood back as Jongho pulled out of the lot. He watched the car drive away.

Somehow his conversation with Jongho hadn't given him the relief he'd expected. As much as Jongho was only there to protect him, it still felt like he was being babysat.

Especially since Jongho always reported to his father.

Kim Hongjoong certainly wasn't here today yet Jongho had to make a report anyways. It could only be about one thing: how well Seonghwa had done to fit in today.

So he clearly had other tasks that he didn't view as controlling. But Seonghwa certainly did.

Feeling dejected after his rush of freedom that morning, Seonghwa trudged to his car and headed home. At least tomorrow he would start his mission.

He could feel like he was finally doing something important.

Hopefully he wouldn't fuck it up.

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