He might break

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"Hongjoong you need to eat something. Or at least take a shower. You're stinking up our apartment."

"Kind of rude to insult the heartbroken guest you so kindly took in."

"I agree, be nice, Woo. He'd do the same for you if I left you on the curb."

Wooyoung turned to San who was shooting him daggers and immediately knelt on the ground before him.

"No! Please! I'll be good! I promise!" he begged dramatically until San smiled and patted his head.

"Good boy."

"I feel sick," Hongjoong faked a gag at the share of affection.

"Well you wouldn't even be here to witness it it if you got up and did something for once."

Wooyoung quickly remembered San's words and tried to recover.

"—or you could just—take all the time you need!"

San nodded in approval and Wooyoung sighed, walking out of the room. San walked over to Hongjoong's bedside and sat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"He's right though. Moping is only going to feel good for so long. Maybe if you came out to brunch with us today it would make you feel better? We're eating with Yeosangie," San smiled but Hongjoong flinched at the name.

"I think I'll pass. But maybe I will take a shower."

"Are you sure? They have really good waffles," San grinned.

Hongjoong thought about it. After everything with Seonghwa, he knew he couldn't trust him to help take the bastard down. But Yeosang might be able to. Even though his allegiance was to JYP, he couldn't possibly turn down an offer to hurt their number one competitor.

Hongjoong might have to beg for a job back but if it meant he could get his revenge, it would be worth it.

"Okay, fine. You got me."

"Really!?" San jumped up excitedly.

"Don't act so surprised, it's just brunch."

"Sorry. I'm just—glad you're feeling up to it," San said, his eyes soft and endearing. Hongjoong gave him a half-hearted smile before slowly rolling out of bed and heading for the shower.


They waited at the table, looking around for Yeosang but they didn't see him anywhere.

"Where could he be? Do you think he got held up in traffic?" San asked.

"No, he told me he'd be here. I always warn him when there's traffic since he never checks, so he has no excuse," Wooyoung grumbled.

Hongjoong felt his knee bouncing under the table. He hoped Yeosang's tardiness was due to something normal and not anything spy-related. He hoped he wasn't in trouble or anything. When it came to JYP, he always prepared for the worst.

Just at that moment the restaurant seemed to quiet as the door flew open. There stood Yeosang. His face was soaked with tears.

Wooyoung was the first to stand, and ran right to him.

"What happened? What's wrong? Who was it?" he fretted, trying to wipe some of the tears off of his cheeks. Yeosang pushed him aside.

He turned to their table and pointed at Hongjoong.

"I need to talk to him. Now."

Wooyoung was hurt but nodded, just wanting to help in anyway he could. He walked back and told Hongjoong.

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