That's him

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Finally, it was Friday.

Today they would leave for Seoul.

They had a coach bus for transporting all of them down together and it left at 5 since the conference started at 7. Seonghwa had offered to drive Hongjoong in as he would have to walk otherwise but he declined. Seonghwa was starting to worry that he may have told Hongjoong more than he'd let on.

If Hongjoong knew everything, he would've been more freaked out, right?

But even though he wasn't off the walls, he still wasn't himself lately. Something was bothering him. And Seonghwa wasn't sure he wanted to know what.

He pulled on his scarf and grabbed his suitcase before heading to his car.

On his way in, he couldn't help but get a bit excited. He knew Hongjoong was still stressed about it but he was hoping he could change his mind. He had so much he wanted to show him and do with him.

He smiled cheerfully as he pulled into his spot and got out, walking around to the front of the building.

He was immediately met by Wooyoung and San who were very cute and snuggly this morning.

"Hi Hwaseong! Are you excited to go to Seoul?? I came from such a small town I haven't ever gotten to see the big city," San smiled.

"I actually grew up there, so I'm pretty familiar with it. It's a beautiful place!"

"Thank GOD, I thought we were going to be wandering around blind. I will definitely hold you responsible if we get lost," smiled Wooyoung innocently and Seonghwa gave him a mocking smile in return.

"Alright we can start boarding. You can sit wherever you want!" Mingi called out and the three of them hopped on. Seonghwa figured the two of them would want to sit together so he gave them room and sat across the aisle.

He looked out the window to find Hongjoong but noticed he wasn't outside. Had he already boarded? Did he walk right past him?

He turned back to the bus and searched but still didn't see him anywhere. Was he not coming?

Seonghwa's heart fell.

He knew he would still have a great time with Wooyoung and San but he was hoping he'd get to spend a little more time with Hongjoong.

He had admitted he was his best friend after all.

Although if Seonghwa was being honest, a part of him knew that wasn't the only reason.

Whenever he and Hongjoong were together, he felt—at ease. Talking with him was calming. He felt like he could just be himself. Even though he had to lie a little.

And whenever they stopped talking he was disappointed. He never wanted their conversations to end.

They had a special connection. As cheesy as it sounded.

Seonghwa couldn't explain it but he really hoped Hongjoong would come.

Just then the doors to the bus closed and Mingi and Yunho stood up to address the group.

"The meeting will begin at 7 and we plan to arrive by 6 and make it to the conference rooms by 6:30. Since you are representing KQ, I expect everyone to be timely, respectful, and put-together. Can we do that?"

Everyone cheered—though it was a bit half-hearted as it was quite early.

Mingi seemed satisfied and nodded to the driver to head out. Seonghwa knew he should sit back and assume Hongjoong had skipped out but his fear of leaving Hongjoong behind took over him and he stood.

"Wait! Sorry, it's just—we're missing a team member."

Mingi and Yunho turned, startled by the statement and looked at each other for a moment.

Yunho seemed to whisper something into Mingi's ear as he pointed at his watch which Seonghwa interpreted as "we don't have time to wait."

He bit his lip, taking a last look out the windows in the hopes that he was just waiting to be let in.

"I'm sorry—you'll have to operate one man short. We've got to head out if we're going to make i—"

Just then a loud pounding came from the door, startling the whole bus.

The bus driver looked to Mingi for confirmation to open it, who in turn looked to Seonghwa.

Seonghwa stood on his tiptoes and saw a frazzled Hongjoong, basically pleading to get in.

Seonghwa nodded with a smile.

"That's him."

Mingi motioned for the driver to let him on and Hongjoong entered, the bus falling into an awkward silence.

"Hi," he croaked as his face turned red and he rushed to the back of the bus.

Finally now that everyone had boarded, the driver shut the door and took off.

Seonghwa looked back to see Hongjoong hiding behind his suitcase. He couldn't stop smiling.

Maybe it was because he was so cute. Maybe it was because his best friend was truly coming along. Maybe, it was because his heart was fluttering like crazy.

Seonghwa decided to sneak over and sit by him.

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