Oh. My. God.

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As his alarm blared beside him, Seonghwa couldn't find the strength to turn it off. After everything he'd found out last night, he wished he could just stay in the bed forever. He didn't want to face it.

Yeosang was a spy. He knew everything. His father would lose his company.

Hongjoong was a spy.

His father was a murderer.

So maybe, he deserved to lose it.

Maybe Seonghwa should just do nothing.

Let him burn.

"Are you planning on letting that ring all day?" Hongjoong croaked from his side.

Seonghwa turned to see Hongjoong's puffy face, a soft smile on his lips.

Seonghwa smiled back, reaching for the alarm.

"Sorry, I was just—zoning out."

He turned it off and sighed, leaning back on the headboard.

"I know your mind must be racing right now. I can't even imagine. With everything I've put you through—everything I've hid from you—"

"Enough. I don't blame you for anything. You were just trying to do the right thing. To help your mother."

"I blame me. So it doesn't matter. And I didn't do the right thing because clearly JYP doesn't care enough to go through with the lawsuit just because I messed up their case."

"It doesn't matter. I'll help you."

"I don't want you to."

"I want to. And I promise we'll take him down for what he did. Before JYP."


"Now a well-executed takedown starts with a good breakfast! So get up and get dressed and I'll take you out."

Seonghwa didn't wait for a response and hopped out of bed, heading for the shower.

He shut the door behind him, turning on the faucet. As he slid his sweater off and started to pull his pants down, he heard the door behind him creak open.

"You didn't even think to invite me?"

Hongjoong smirked in the doorway. Seonghwa laughed at his craftiness and pulled him in, shutting the door behind him.

After they'd showered—which took much longer than he'd originally planned—they got dressed and headed down to the lobby to call a cab.

"Seonghwa, this is way too much—we can just eat something here!"

"I promised you breakfast so you're getting good breakfast."

"That was before we spent an hour in the shower!"

"Oh. My. God."

Hongjoong and Seonghwa spun around. Wooyoung and San were staring at them, mouths open.

"You guys showered together?" San gasped.

"Like, at the same time??" Wooyoung added.

"That's what together means, yes," Seonghwa snapped.

"As if you two didn't do the same thing at least twice already."

Wooyoung faked shock at the accusation.

"How dare you."

"Well—that's different because we're clearly a couple already!" San covered.

"Wait—does that mean you two are officially—" Wooyoung started.

"—a couple!?" the two finished together, jumping up and down.

Hongjoong noticed their cab had arrived and he quickly dragged Seonghwa to the car and closed the door.

"Drive. Please."

The driver shot him an annoyed look but noticed the two squealing boys running towards them and understood the situation, pulling out of the parking lot.

Hongjoong sighed, leaning against the window. He took a deep breath and turned, noticing Seonghwa was looking at him.


"You could have just said yes."

Hongjoong felt heat rushing to his face, knowing he shouldn't be surprised. Clearly they were some sort of couple. But it hadn't really hit him yet.

"Well—yeah—but—I just—didn't want to assume you were ready to tell people yet!"

Seonghwa smiled.

"I love when you get all flustered."

Hongjoong stuck his tongue out and turned to the window. He felt a pressure on his side and looked over as Seonghwa held onto his arm, leaning his head on his shoulder. Hongjoong couldn't maintain his pout and grinned, patting Seonghwa's head.

"You guys are cute."

They both jumped, having forgotten there was a driver in the car with them.

"Shouldn't you be paying attention to the road?" Hongjoong stammered, a little embarrassed.

"I'm just circling the hotel. You didn't give me a destination."

"Oh. Right."

Seonghwa laughed and told him the breakfast spot he had in mind and they arrived in less than ten minutes.

They thanked the driver profusely and headed into the restaurant.

It was Seonghwa's favorite cafe as it was right next to his penthouse so he was able to be in and out quickly, avoiding any possible spies.

He walked in and the man at the counter smiled at him.

"Our favorite customer! It's been a while! We were worried you'd moved! If you leave the area we might go out of business!"

Seonghwa laughed and approached the man, allowing a brief embrace.

"I'm sure you've got plenty of customers without me. Your food is fantastic."

"You seem to be the only one who thinks so. Oh—who do we have here? You've never brought a guest with you before!"

He motioned at Hongjoong who was very overwhelmed at the moment. He tried his best to give a warm smile.

"That's because I hadn't ever found anyone special enough to share your food with."

Hongjoong blushed as Seonghwa turned back to him and the man gave a low whistle.

"Ohhh, I see. I'll give the happy couple the best table!"

Hongjoong started to protest.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you."

Seonghwa smiled and took Hongjoong's hand, leading him behind as they followed the man to their table.

Hongjoong held his face in his hands as soon as the waiter had walked away, his face glowing.

"You're killing me, Park Seonghwa."

Seonghwa's eyes grew wide at the mention of his name but Hongjoong waved him away.

"They already know your name, so what does it matter if someone in this cafe knows as well?"

Seonghwa sighed, realizing he was probably right. He was just so used to being worried about it.

They finally ordered, Seonghwa getting his usual blueberry pancakes and Hongjoong ordering a Belgian waffle with whipped cream and sprinkles.

As they ate, they discussed what they were going to do about their situation.


Sorry y'all this chapter is mostly fluff...but don't worry big things are coming! The story is almost over 👀👀

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