🔱Chapter 15🔱

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I had 3 hours sleep after i did everything i needed to do in Ashers office everything was paid and sent, i also havent heard anything saying that Asher knows someone was in his office even Justin has been quiet so i am assuming he hasnt checked it so its all good.

I woke up feeling seriously tired and i had to run downstairs and out to the training field as i was running alittle late but lucky i got there before my Dad and the Gamma showed up, i just hope i can do this on a lack of sleep.

After training i have to go to school as its the last day with it being summer holidays and we can finally go camping down at the waterfall.

Which i seriously need a break from everything, a mate that doesnt want me and endless heart ache and a bitchy brother who keep moaning because he hasnt found his mate yet, Even though i have told him so many times he wont find his mate sitting on his ass in an office, he need to take awalk around the pack proper and not just the boarders while hes out patrolling.

If she isnt here then its obvious she is elsewhere but nope he just ignores me like always, but thank god for this little break away even though we are still on packlands.


School has finally finished for the summer and me and my friends are making our way towards the waterfall, we pack our tents and 2 weeks supply of food.

We find a perfect clearning in the forest to pitch our tents its only 2mins from the waterfall but with having the forest it will help to hide us incase of Rogues in this way we can climb trees or fight, which i opt for a fight lol

We find a perfect clearning in the forest to pitch our tents its only 2mins from the waterfall but with having the forest it will help to hide us incase of Rogues in this way we can climb trees or fight, which i opt for a fight lol

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From the inside of my tent.

We Got our selves a beautiful view and a good advantage point, we also set a few traps just incase you never know when someone or thing wants to sneak up on you.

The boys will be heading off soon to hunt down some deer while me and the girls get the pots ready, normally we rather let out our wolves take over but we are trying to do this as normal as a human does.

No point in going camping if we wolf out and this 2 weeks break is about giving our wolves a break and allowing our human side to be free plus i dont want anyone seeing me shift with me being a rare wolf.

Kinda going back to our roots living in nature and enjoying all the sounds is always so relaxing and inviting to us werewolves.

I also informed justin where we will be going camping so he can warn the patrol, its so that we can still be safe even on packlands and we are always still on guard.


We spent the whole 2 weeks having so much fun we went abseiling and loads of hiking around the area and we also went swimming every morning.

We packed in so much within the 2 weeks which was so epic, we also managed to do abit of training with the guys and i also got an amazing golden tan.

It took us at least 1hour to get back home and as soon as we walked into the house my mom ran over and threw her arms around my waist.

Oh my goddess i have missed you kids, these 2 weeks have felt like forever, So come on tell me how did the camping trip go.

Lol mom we stayed in packlands we didnt go abroard.

Oh come on i still have to live through my pups you know so come on tell me how was the camping human style lol.

It was awesome mom you and dad should go to misty falls were we went you would love that part of the pack, it was so relaxing and we caught enough deer to feed us for the 2 weeks but we also brough some back for the pack.

Shane and Jess have took the meat to the Pack kitchen so they will have enough for the moon ball lol.

Oh that is wonderful, so did you take any pictures so we can see huh.

Yes mom we took pics on our cells but we havent uploaded them yet to the pack site, but you will totally fall in love with the area.

Well maybe one day me and your father will go and check out the waterfall other parts of packland as well, i still cant believe we have lived here for so long and still havent managed to do a full run around the packlands.

Well you will love everything about it, its kind of like a dream when you find all the hidden areas its like a treasure trek when you find them, i remember when we first came upon the waterfall, i fell madly in love with the place its so relaxing and peacefull its like living in another world.

Well when you find your mate sweetheart maybe you can have your bonding ceremony there wouldnt that be great.

Yeah mom so wonderfull and he will also love it as well but i still dont think hes in this pack to be honest. (I hate lying to her).

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