Vol I: The Absconding Empress

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Mantios Continent

The 575th Solarian Year
4th of Maírs (3rd of Ten Months)

Mantizea, North-Eastern Confederacy


"This is a daily NEC Broadcast, Empress Miza of the NEC has come to conclude trade talks with the Ruby Empire. With these talks coming to a close, more shall be found out within the hour!"

As the Crystal Broadcast cuts out, Miza looks out the window of her castle stronghold, at the nearly completed port that would have powered her nation. 'What have I done? That stupid official that gave me the go ahead deserves a fate much worse than a warning!'

"Lady Miza, you are requested at the southern gate." said her military general, pulling her out of her thoughts. 'Let's hope that I can pull back some hope from this godforsaken day.'

As she walks to the gate, Miza looks around, hearing nothing but silence and the shuffling of her guards. The castle was next to empty, excluding the emergency animals in case of famine. She looks over to the gatekeeper, donned in the purple and green attire that her country is known for.

"Would you like me to open the gate, Lady Miza?" the soldier asks, giving a slight bow of respect.

"There are no need for formalities, go ahead." She says, then turning to the general, "Also, contact Duchess Sae, and tell her to do protocol Icebreaker. She will understand the meaning."

"It will be done my lady." The General says, then walking back to the northern gate to contact Sae.

As the gate comes down, the red, white, and yellow stricken attire of the Ruby Empire Guard is shown. A man at the front of it all, with dark black hair, contrasting the pale blue eyes he has, pulls out a crown from his jacket, before placing it on his head. He then walked forward, displaying the iconic jewel the empire is known for. 

"Empress Miza, it is great to see your lovely face again, although I do believe this will be the last time I will see you with such...authority." he states with confidence and arrogance.

"Ah, Emperor, Grand Admiral, Frost, it is a pleasure to see you here so early in the morning. What can I do for you?" Miza states with slight agitation in her voice.

"Well, you see, one of your officials gave you the go on a trade deal without reading the clauses properly. I am here to annex the Continent of Mantios, the North Eastern Confederacy, and most important of all, Mantizea, into the Ruby Empire to spread freedom from the slavery of democracy!" Emperor Frost says with valour and confidence. "So, are you willing to be annexed peacefully, or do I have to burn down another nation. You remember the Isles right? Just last year, they tried to resist against something they chose to be a part of, and they have now learned their lesson. As corpses on the ground."

"You knew what you were going to do from the start, and I bet there is an army waiting to climb the hill to kill me as we speak, isn't that right?" Miza responds back with venom in her words.

"Oh, you know me so well! It was going to just be a small unit of my guards, but ever since I overheard a guard Duchess Sae talk about a plan called Icebreaker, I decided to be ready just in case." Frost responds back with slight agitation at the surrender taking longer than he anticipated.

"What did you do to the Duchess, you rat!"

"What did I do? More like what did you do?! You just sealed her fate! You were conspiring against our settled deal, and for that, she will meet her demise once we build the gallows upon the ruins of your pitiful city. I'll give you an hour, either you will surrender then, or you will die, my lady."

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