I am mid-jump when someone grabs me and pulls me back. I squirm and kick, wanting to just get one hit on her at least. The person drags me away, and large green wings fold in front of me so I can no longer see Harmony and her group.

I breathe heavily into Axel's chest until, eventually; I calm down. Axel lets go of me, but he doesn't yet open his wings to let me free.

"I can't believe you anymore Harmony!" I hear Brandon yell. "Every time I think you and I might be friends again, you have to pull some shit like this! You've crossed the line way too many times and I'm done!"

I hear Harmony's whiny voice trying to "fix" this. "B-but Brandon we can-"

Only for Brandon to interrupt her. "We're done Harmony. I won't stand to be friends with someone who threatens my friends and especially my girlfriend. Get out of here, all of you!" His yell is deep and there is a threat between his words. The smell of smoke fills my nose. Hopefully, they leave or else we might have another fire melt down incident.

I hear the sound of many footsteps getting farther and farther away. The gym doors slam shut and then there is silence. Good.

Soon Axel's wings part and pull backwards. Brandon is on the other side, sweaty but calm. At least he isn't on fire.

I looked towards the door and thankfully; they did actually leave. I bend forward and let out a loud frustrated groan. Brandon lays his hand on my back. "You okay?"

I look down at my hands and find light blood smears all over my palms. My claws digged so far into my skin I made myself bleed. "I just want to go."

Melody is at my side right away. "I'll take her back to the dorms." She gives Brandon a reassuring smile.

Brandon places a soft kiss on my lips, which eases my stress. "Text me if you need anything." Then he lets us leave.

I stare at the dorm ceiling laying on my bed. It's a bright white color with brown veins running through it in different spots. I shouldn't let Harmony get to me, but she did. Everything she said is just running miles in my brain and it's pissing me off.

Melody has been keeping watch of me while ranting on about what happened. "And she almost got your necklace! What was up with that? If she would have ripped that off of you, all hell probably would have been let loose. Excuse my language." Melody is not one to swear. She always excuses herself when she does.

I rub my forehead as a headache starts to form. "Can we stop talking about it! Tell me something good. Did you learn anything?"

Melody drops the old conversation and pulls out her laptop from her bag. "I got us some information." I join her and she pulls up a few pages on the internet. "It's real dark magic. Darker than I thought. It hasn't been done before like I said, but that doesn't mean it's impossible."

The page she has up has a black background with red writing. There's a list of ingredients, paragraphs of instructions and information, along with a few photos. Just from this website you can tell it is dark magic.

"Lucky for us," Melody switches to a new page. It's a document full of her own written notes. "I have a few witch friends who are interested in finding out if this truly works. Your secret is safe with them. In return we have to find a few ingredients and of course let them do the spell on you."

My body fuels with adrenaline about this news. We're a step closer and then I can get Harmony off my back and the Chancellor. One less problem and less worry about getting Melody in trouble.

Melody's tone switches. "A few issues though." She scrolls down her list. "A few of these ingredients are rare. Some may be nonexistent or at least haven't been seen in over thirty years." I watch her eyes scan over the bullet points she has. I see the anxiety taking over her usual sparkle.

I place my hand on hers, and she looks at me. "You don't have to do this. I can. If anything happens, I can ensure you will not go down for my mistakes."

She gives me a faint smile. "You deserve to be happy, Rei. I don't want to worry about you if you get caught. I also don't want you going back to that disgusting human world." Melody places her pink laptop on the other side of her. She flips her hand, so she holds mine. "I've been thinking recently... I believe you got that package for a reason. You were meant to be here, Rei. We're going to do this damn spell together! You understand me?"

My lip quivers, but I hold the emotions in. I agree with her. Melody grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a hug. Her hair smells of lollipops and candy apples. We don't leave each other's side. We embrace this hug like it is the last one we will ever have.

Melody may be right. Maybe that package was meant to show up at my door. I needed a change in my life and then I came here. Here I am not invisible, stressed or worried about what will come the next day. I can live freely here.

I thought I was reaching for the impossible... and then I found the impossible.

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