Whatever You Want.

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    "I don't know a Sarah. I did send flowers to your extraordinary intern Scarlett though." He nods to me, and now my cheeks are red. He can't talk back to her, she'll eat me alive, and shit me out in a second.. Or even worse she'll fire me.

    "Oh Scarlett right... She's alright." Candace smiles at me, one of those bitter smiles, like she can't believe what's happening.

    "More than alright. I've got my eyes on her, speaking of. I'd like her to come with me if that's alright." He nods his head to me but I stay seated, waiting for Candace's approval.

    "I could be of use more than her.. What could you possibly need from her?" She asks him, and despite the fact that he's my spoken enemy right now, she doesn't realize that he will defend me to the ends of the earth, especially right now.

    "You can't actually. I write about new voices in fashion. Up and coming designers, just like her.. So if you will allow it, I'd like to steal her away for a bit of time." He gives her a shit eating grin, and it pains her. I can tell she's hating every moment of this but she nods once, looking at me to get up. I do, and she watches me walk away, just the same as Harry watches me walk towards him.

    I'm wearing a good outfit today. I'm wearing jeans I tailored to fit me perfectly, thrifted of course. I'm wearing a collared white shirt and a black Jimothy style sweater I crotched myself, all paired with heeled boots and chunky gold jewelry. My belt is gold too, matching my jewelry perfectly.The way he looks at me makes me feel naked though. He eyes my outfit, and gives a one syllable laugh, with a curved smile. He places his hand at the small of my back, and guides me towards the elevators, and away from my desk. Despite the fact that I hate my job and this internship, I think I might rather be hole punching than here..

    "What are you doing.." I ask quietly as we get inside the elevator.

    "Stealing you.. What were you doing?" He asks me.

    "Hole punching papers." I tell him honestly.

    "This is far more exciting than hole punching." He promises with his words, and I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest.

    "Hole punching can turn into head punching very quickly if you pull something stupid." I warn him.

    "Nothing stupid, I just think you should meet someone." He tells me, and walks me onto his floor now. This is where the Vogue Vault is. I was here yesterday... It's very sleek here, it's a bit more scattered on my floor, there's too many people in and out. Models and designers, and stylists, and... this is peaceful, and quiet.. And the perfect work space honestly. We walk through the space, and he brings me to a desk that I know is his just by the way it's set up. The desk in his old apartment was set up the exact same way.

    "This is you?" I ask, trying to make myself feel smart.

    "Yep." He agrees, and stops in front of his desk. "Birdie." He's so tall, and much bigger than I am so I have to step to the side to see around him. His intern I had briefly met when I spilled the glass of wine down his shirt. She's looking at the two of us from her desk that's placed right behind Harry's. Wow, a nice boss, what a cool concept.

    "Yes?" She asks very politely.

    "I want you and Scarlett to take your lunch together, go wherever, take however long you want." He tells her, and she nods, turning back around to get her things together. I tug on his sleeve, and he turns towards me. Our chests are very close together as we stand in front of his desk.

    "What the hell are you doing?" I ask him softly. I'm not a people person. I don't get along with people unless it's Sierra, and the only reason I get along with her is because after so many years I had to.

Skinny Dipping -H.SHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin