Chapter 7: Catching Up

Start from the beginning

"Oh sorry, I won't ask if you don't feel comfortable talking about it."

"Thanks." Mona brushed a green streak of hair behind her ear and hid a shy grin behind her luscious locks. Her brown eyes twinkled like tiny stars as she gazed up in beauty.

Mariana drank her hot chocolate, letting out a little sigh and then continued, " Elisa prefers to make tents out blankets and place it over the couch." Mariana explained, "we added fairy lights inside and played—um—some sounds while she rolled around with her brother," Mariana chuckled and fluttered her hands like they were butterflies.

"Aw that's such a cute thing to do."

"Thanks..." Mariana puffed out her rosy cheeks like a chipmunk and grinned.

"By the way, I was just wondering, and I don't want to sound be rude, I'm just curious. Is she actually yours or..." She was too scared to finish her sentence.

"Adopted?" Mariana finished off her sentence as she could predict what it was, by having heard it numerous of times. She gently sipped some of her hot chocolate before answering, "no they are mine. Their father is black, and Elisa takes mostly after him. Her brother does look more like me but has his hair."

"Ah okay, I was just asking out of curiosity," Mona said innocently as she didn't want to offend.

"Meh its's okay, I'm used to it." Mariana continued to drink her hot chocolate. "If I had a dollar for every time someone would ask me that question, I would be able to buy my own yacht," she laughed. Mona also laughed along with her until they finished their drinks.

"Well Mona I'll see you later," Mariana said and got up.

"Okay, bye Mariana, thanks for chatting with me!"

"Bye!" Mariana quickly took her and left the cafe.


When Mariana got home and finished cleaning, Crystal paid her a surprise visit. She got out some leftover slices of chocolate cake and a bottle of wine. They sat down together in the living room. The TV noise blurred in the background as Mariana replenished her glass.

"So how are you?" Mariana asked, quickly drinking her wine like it was a stress reliever from her kids.

"I'm alright, just been relaxing at home." Crystal chuckled and took a sip. Rio was walking around the couch and purred near her. She started stroking his silky fur, until she hissed and her hand suddenly stopped.

"Mom, are you alright?" Mariana sat up in her chair, prepared to help by any means.

"I'm fine, just a little arthritis." Her head towards the light and Mariana discerned a feeble smile that lightened her face. She elevated her hand and she saw her nails were painted deep red with the tip beautifully pointed.

"Look Mariana, I'm getting old." Crystal chuckled as she tried to flex her fingers but they were stiff.

"Do you need anything for it?" Mariana asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

"It's okay, doesn't last too long." She smiled through the pain and continued grasping her hands to get them to move properly. However, Mariana maintained her eye on her, in case it got worse.

"Ita!" Elisa came running in from the kitchen, with a frying pan whirling around her curly Afro freely. Her yellow summer dress blew around like she was a super girl ready to save the day.

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