Skylor smiled at her behavior.

"Do you know what you'll do?" Nya asked.

Her friend took another look at her own paper, gazing through the many letters. She hummed. "I'm unsure whether I should choose fencing, or sprinting."

Nya knew Skylor was pretty good at sprinting, she'd seen it done many times. But fencing? Skylor had never mentioned she was interested in that kind of sport, ever.

"Why fencing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My grandfather taught me how it's done before he passed away. And not to brag, but I was pretty good... for a seven-year-old." She frowned to herself. "But I still know all the techniques and I can still remember what the basic rules are, so I'm probably not that rusty." She answered.

"What are you two blabbing about?" The coach stopped in front of the two who immediately stopped talking and stiffened up, looking at him.

"Uhh," Nya side-eyed her best friend. "nothing, Coach!"

"Come on, you can just tell the whole class. I'm sure it is a good piece of information you're keeping." The coach insisted.

Nya gulped. "I said... that combining our classes was a good idea..?"

Coach Humphrey smiled proudly. "That's the spirit!" Then he left the two girls alone again, walking away.

They let out a sigh of relief as Skylor looked at Nya. Without using any words, Nya could understand that whatever she just said was too cringe to even keep thinking about by the type of look Skylor was giving her.

"Now, please fill in your personal details, as well as the sport you have chosen, and give it to me by the end of today's class." Mr Bonning then handed each student another piece of paper.

Nya took a good look at it, and frowned. She raised her hand.

"Yes, Smith?" Coach Humphrey said.

"Mr Humphrey, won't we need a pen to write everything down?" She asked.

Humphrey looked at her, a little bit of shock visible on his face. "Have you already decided on what you want to participate in?" He asked, walking up to her.

She nodded.

"And what is it?" He asked, stopping in front of her.

She looked up at the man. "Swimming, sir."

The coach smiled proudly. "Very good, so be it." Then he turned back towards the rest of the class. "Has anyone else already chosen, too?" When no one answered, he turned back towards her. "Alright, you can go to your changing room to get a pen. You can also fill in everything there."

Nya nodded, smiling, before she looked at Skylor for one last time before walking out of the line of students.

Having both papers in her hand, she walked up to the changing rooms fairly slowly, taking her sweet time. Once arrived, she knew she was the only one there, so she walked up to the spot in the very left corner and opened her bag, pulling out a pen.

Then she sat down on the bench and looked at her paper she was supposed to fill out.

However, right after she started writing down her name, she could hear a faint knock on the door. She frowned as she slowly put down her stuff and stood up, walking up to the door.

She put her hand on the door handle and opened the door.

Her eyes widened once she recognized the other face oh so well. She gripped onto his wrist and pulled him inside, closing the door shut.

"What are you doing here?!" She hissed, a hint of panic in her tone.

"Well, now I don't have to ask if anyone is inside anymore." Jay joked, his grin fluttering her heart.

She sighed. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be, I don't know, teaching?" She asked.

He smiled. "I coincidentally saw you walking in here on your own."

"Coincidentally?" Nya raised an eyebrow. Then she stepped closer, her arms crossed in front of her chest, and squinted her eyes at him. "Have you been watching me?"

"Whaaaat... nooo."

She snorted. "Smooth."

"So, how'd it go?" He asked, referring to PE.

"Our combined classes are gonna participate in those championships. We have to choose what we want to participate in."

"And why are you here?" He asked.

Nya stepped away from him and walked back to the corner to her papers. "I came here to fill in these papers."

Jay walked up to her. "What did you choose?"

She looked back at him, smiling. "Swimming."

"You're still into that?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, but I had to quit a few years ago. But this will be a great opportunity to catch up on what I've been missing out on."

"Why'd you quit?"

"Because," She began, sitting down on the bench. "I can't really see it in my future. Maybe as a hobby, but I can't just dedicate my time and energy on that, no matter how much I've enjoyed it."

He sat down next to her. "Do you know what you'll do in your future?"

Nya smiled proudly. "Mhm. After I graduate, I want to go to college and get an engineering degree."

Jay looked at her just as proudly. "Aww," He said, wrapping his arms around her petite figure, trapping her face in his chest. He obnoxiously patted her head. "my girl's a big girl now." He said, his voice higher pitched.

She giggled, trying to wiggle out of his strong grasp. "Stop." She laughed.

After she finally got out of his grasp, her ponytail was completely messed up. "Thank you for ruining my hair, Mr I-Know-How-To-Annoy-The-Living-Heck-Out-Of-My-Girlfriend." She pulled out her hair tie and retied her hair again.

He smiled sheepishly. "Comes with the package. You can't get rid of it."

"Never said I wanted to." She said, smiling back. Then she sighed. "As much as I love to spend time with you, we both have classes to attend to."

"You're probably right."

"I'm always right." She smirked, taking her papers.

"You want me to ruin your hair again?" He warned, standing up.

"Stay away from my hair, mister!"

Both laughed. After giving the other a quick peck on the lips, their ways parted again. He went up to go to his Physics class he was supposed to teach, and she walked back to the football field.

After she walked up to Skylor, she could see there was something on her mind, based on the raised eyebrow she was giving her.

"What took you so long?" Skylor asked.

Nya looked left and right, seeing they were in a good distance from the other students, and stepped closer to her to whisper. "He came inside and we talked a bit."


"Skylor, focus! Yes, we talked." Nya groaned. "Have you made your choice now?"

"Yeah, I'll do fencing."

"That's cool. Let me just give this to Humphrey." Nya said, walking off to hand the coach her paper.

After some time, Coach Humphrey gathered everyone together.

"Okay, everyone." The coach began. "I'll tell you now who chose which sport. Remember, there's no going back now."

After naming lots of students and their chosen kind of sport, he ended with the last ones. "...and lastly, for swimming we have..." He looked at his notes. "ah, Smith and Beckhams."

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