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Hey guys, this is probably one of the last chapters of this book or THE last chapter I ever write in this, I really have enjoyed writing this book so I hope that I can write a sequel about boruto and shit yea.

should I do a face reveal? Or should I do a voice reveal? Or an age reveal? 👀👀👀

actually, you guys probably don't give a shit anyways, but maybe-

also I just realised that Madara is old, so lets say that when you met him he was 20 and shit cus we do not want to marry a 90-year-old. 😬

sorry, time to start now



Y/n Pov


"Wake up child."

I slowly opened my eyes and I was met with the same place, shallow water, drip noises and ripples of water. I know this place. I look up and saw, Sage of Six Paths?

"It is interesting to see you here, not on the verge of death this time, but dead." He said coming closer to me.

"I guess, but is the is what the afterlife looks like?" I asked curiously, looking around.

"No, we are in your subconscious mind." He said. He tapped his staff on the water, the water reflected Izuna's face staring back at me.

The more I looked into her eyes the more faded she became, my reflection coming into view. "So what do we do now?" I asked.

"I don't know, you tell me." He replied.

I just stood looking at my reflection until I decided to break the silence. "How is everyone else right now?" I said looking at him.

He swirled his staff into the water revealing everyone's solum faces, it seemed that I was in someone's lap. "They seem to grieve over your body. Ah, you revived everyone who died didn't you?"

"Yes, I felt like I needed to, however, it seems that it has made everyone sad," I replied. I sitting down. I thought about my sacrifice and I do not regret it, I just wished that I was able to be still living. But this is a small sacrifice - one life for thousands.





"Would you like to go back?" He asked piquing my interest.

"Of course, how would that work?" I asked, happiness filling me once again.

"Well, you need to bear the light and shadow seal on your hand(s)." He said simply.

"That's easy, what's the catch?" I said, knowing that there was more than he let on.

"By having it burned into your skin, I would need you to harbour mine and my brother's spirits. Only a quarter of the both of us. It is a very painful process, but by doing it, you could inherit our powers - meaning our Sage Six Path powers. And the both of us can guide you along with the six wolf brothers." He sighed.

"I would get to see everyone again and be reunited with Zrus and the others?" I asked, wanting to confirm what he was saying. He nodded and came closer to me. He locked eyes with me, in a way of saying 'are you sure about this?' and 'there is no going back'. I nodded and breathed out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding.

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