Defense Of Trost 2/4

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Back at Headquarters

"Just like in training, split up into your individual squads. You will be under the Garrison Command. Your duties are to assist in providing supplies, communications, and sweeping up the titans! The first line of defense will be the front line unit of the Garrison! The second line will be cadet squads under our command! The rearguard will be the Garrison's elite units! We've already received word that the vanguard has been annihilated!"

As the superior of the cadets spoke, they all let out audible gasps at the devastating news.

"The outer gate was destroyed, and titans are roaming upon the city! This means that the Armored Titan might show up at any time to breach the inner gate!"

Murmurs broke out amongst the cadets, as you stood weakly with a bandage tied tightly against your head. The fall that you had taken was from 50 feet above, and you so happened to crash into someone's pots, earning you a concussion.

You were found by Krista and Reiner, which you were very grateful for.

"Silence!" the superior yelled, causing you to wince from the sound. He shot you a quick apology as he then continued. "The front line guards are already in battle! There is but one goal in this defensive operation. defend Wall Rosé until every civilian has evacuated! Also, in case you forgot, let me remind you that desertion is a capital offense! Vow on your hearts to devote your lives! Dismissed!"

"Sir!" each cadet that had gathered saluted upon their hearts, making a silent vow to give up their lives for humanity if they have to. With courageous eyes, they all had the same goal:

Defend Wall Rosé.

As you and the cadets scampered to fill up their gas tanks and double-checking their 3DMG, one certain cadet wandered through the hall as he sighed deeply.

"Aaah... why does it have to be today?" Jean Kirschtein whimpered. "I'm supposed to go to the interior tomorrow!"

As Jean stood still and sulked, vomiting and gags echoed and bounced from the walls all over. As he turned his head, his eyes landed on none other than Daz, who was emptying his stomach and his fears in front of him while Krista Lenz was rubbing his back soothingly.

Jean took one looked at Daz, and that was enough for his whole body to tremble. If he hadn't skipped breakfast, that would have been him right here and right now.

He shook the thought and expression away as he stomped away, deciding to replace his fear with anger over the whole situation.

And just like that, Jean bumped into someone a little short than him, causing him and the person to stumble back a bit. When his eyes landed on none other than Eren Jaeger, he had found his one scapegoat.

"Fuck off," he spat, purposefully shoving Eren harshly away. That didn't sit well with Eren, as he felt that Jean had no reason to blame all of this on him.

Eren grabbed Jean's upper arm and squeezed it tightly, burying his nails into his jacket. "Hey, Jean!" he spat back. "What's wrong with you?!"

What's wrong with him? What's wrong with him?! Did Eren fucking Jaeger really just ask Jean what's wrong with him?!

Jean made a full U-turn and grabbed Eren by his jacket, lifting him into the air with an unknown strength. "Don't give me that crap, you suicidal asshole! You wanted to join the Survey Corps! You were prepared to feed yourself to the titans already!"

Just then, at that very second, a worried Mikasa walked past them, ultimately stopping at the last second to glare at Jean.

"But for me?" Jean spewed his venomous words onto Eren. "I was going to the interior tomorrow, goddammit!"

𝗠𝘆 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗼 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁 (Y/N x Levi x various)Where stories live. Discover now