- Scammer Fucker (1) -

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Never. Again.

As a result of my stupid friendship with Kouji, I had been staying up late for the past few days, to help him rank higher in league of legends. As the shitty brat he is, he didn't even consider my need for sleep and was freaking out about loosing to me for the last 247 matches.

So of course, I'm currently in desperate need for caffeine. I pushed the glass door open as the sweet, smokey aroma of freshly brewed coffee intoxicated my brain. Surprisingly, despite not getting any sleep for the past week, my complexion and appearance hasn't changed one bit. Though my usual bright and cheerful smile has almost completely faded, replaced with a blank, almost scary expression.

As the burning coffee cascaded down my throat, I finally realized that Daniel had been waving a hand in front of my face for the past 5 minutes.

"Krystal! Are you okay? What are you doing here?" Daniel asked, worry etched into his facial features.

"To drink coffee duh!" I glared pointedly, I guess one cup of coffee won't be enough.

Daniel shrunk away as the main victim of my deadly gaze. He sweated nervously as he explained that he was here with Zack and Vasco. Apparently they came to confront some scammers that beat some kid up and stole Zack's money or something. I wasn't really paying attention.

"Krystal! What are you doing here!? Why'd you come?" Zack rushed up to me, Vasco following behind. Upon seeing my facial expression, they hesitated a little before approaching me. Daniel quickly hushed them, explaining my current exhausted situation.

I wasn't exhausted, not at all, I'm just kinda mad and really needed to let of my steam. Staying late with an annoying, nagging Kouji has given me extreme anger issues.

The four of us walked out of the cafe and "coincidently" met up with Mira, Yui? I think that was her name, and a dude with glasses. Daniel took Vasco back into the cafe to get him another bottle of chocolate milk because he wouldn't stop whining.

I was quietly sipping on my iced americano, trying to get a hold of myself when three guys showed up. They wanted to fight with Zack or something, I was quickly zoning out. I ruffled my hair, trying to wake myself up when I noticed those three guys staring at me.

I wasn't ready for any bullshit, I was on the very verge of going batshit violent. They quickly sensed my aura and the three guys smartly lowered their gaze. Zack stood there looking like he peed his pants, smiling and making dumb excuses. I scoffed and rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile a little. He really is trying hard.

"Zack! That's him! He stole the money!"


Before I could even process what was going on, Zack was face first on the rough, paved cement. Gosh, is my reaction time that slow when I'm sleepy?

"You brought friends? To get revenge?" A brown haired dude about our age said as he smirked triumphantly. I assume he was the one who knocked Zack out. I raised an eyebrow and stood to face the brown haired dude. His eyes widened a little as he eyed me up and down.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I said coldly, arms crossed over my chest. He looked like he was about to say something before looking towards the girl beside him and reluctantly stopping himself.

"I'm calling the cops, you jerk!" Mira wailed as she kneeled beside Zack. The brown haired dude just scoffed before leaving with his crew, saying he had business to attend to and all that crap. Me, Mira and Yui helped Zack up, I was a little worried when I saw he was bleeding.

"This isn't over, I didn't get beat up." Zack huffed as he glanced at me.

"You idiot." I scoffed as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm kinda mad right now, you don't mind if I join in don't you?" I said as I threw away my empty coffee cup. His eyes widened, surprised by how quickly I caught onto his little plan. I chuckled, I guess we do think alike.

*time skip

"We're here, you dirty thieves"

Me, Zack, Daniel and Vasco walked into the dark, damp alleyway to face the brown haired dude from before, his girlfriend and his crew. It seemed that he quickly recognized us.

"Haha, it was you? You brought friends?" He smiled brightly as he stood up.

"You even brought a girl! How careless are you? I could just beat all of you guys up and take her for myself!" He laughed triumphantly as he casted his girlfriend aside, no longer reluctant.

Strike 1.

The three boys were prepared to attack as soon as they heard his words.

"I'm first, you three come here." Zack said as he held his bloodied face. They started laughing, they were laughing at Zack.

Strike 2.

One of the lackeys attempted a sneak attack, Zack handled it well. He dodged the kick and took the lackey down with one slap into the cement. Zack was doing good but he looked tired, his condition wasn't looking too good.

Vasco was about to step in but Zack resisted. He  dodged another lackey and took him down with a sharp jab to the jaw. Zack's dodging too fast, he's using up his energy inconsistently, his legs are shaking!

The brown haired dude winced a little but quickly regained his composure. He was rambling on about being in the national tournament or some shit. Zack on the other hand...

Wait... that move!

The body shot!

I used that on Zack on the first day that I met him. I winced regretfully, at least the punch wasn't that powerful that time. Ehem...

The brown haired dude was on the ground, clutching his stomach, just like Zack was on the first day I met him. Zack looked ecstatic, seems like he finally recovered his honor after acting like a wuss the entire day.

At that moment, some dudes dressed in ugly grey uniforms flooded into the alleyway. "Haha, now you're fucked, you assholes, we are the top dogs here." The brown hair dude and his lackeys choked out, still smug.

"Come here!" Zack huffed stupidly.

"You did good, now rest." I ordered as I gently pushed him towards Mira and Yui.

"Get up." I said coldly as glared down in front of the brown haired dude.

"Hah! What can you do? You're just a pretty girl who would probably faint at the sight of blood!" The brown haired dude snickered, trying to cover up the shivers that ran down his spine at the sinisterly cold voice. He stood up, still clutching his gut.

Strike 3


"Do you have a death wish?"

Authors Note 💕
I'm backkk! I'm sosososo sorry, I was inactive for quite a while. I've been drowning in overdue assignments and am currently mentally drained right now T-T. I will try to update the 2nd part of  Craigslist scammer very soon. Also thank you guys for reading and leaving comments, they really make my day! Ilysm have a great day. <3

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