- Admiration -

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"Finally, I missed school lunch so much!" I spoke between a mouthful of rice. I glanced at the boy in front of me.

"Why do you look like that?" I mumbled.

Daniel shook his head as he came out from his daze.

"Y-you're s-scary" he said quietly. I stared at him for a few seconds before I burst out laughing.

"Pfttt hahahaha" I giggled at his horrified expression. "Don't worry, I won't beat you up." I calmed him down a little.

"You said you missed school lunch? What did you mean?" He questioned, picking at his fried chicken.

"Let's just say I took a break from school for a while" I said, reminiscing the past years.

It was partly true. I mean, I wasn't about to tell him I got disowned, lived on the streets then built up the world's biggest company from the bottom of the ground. Thankfully, he didn't ask me to elaborate.

Daniel's POV

(during the fight with Zack)

I can't just keep dodging! I'm going to get hit after all. Someone... Stop him...

The next thing I knew, Krystal was in front of me and Zack was at the other side of the classroom, crumpled and utterly defeated.


I just realized that I haven't thanked her yet! B-but how do I thank her when she s-so scary! What if she fights me! I hope that day never comes...

"K-Krystal thank you... for stopping the fight." I mustered up enough courage to tell her while we were eating lunch.

"That was nothing, he deserved it." She replied, raising an eyebrow as she sneakily reached out to grab a piece of tteokbokki from my lunch tray.

She's... so cool...

End of Daniel's POV

Zack's POV

(during the fight with Daniel)

I've always been really fast. In elementary school too. And in middle school. I was always speedy, so life was so easy. But now...


Never mind that, he'll get punched in the end anyways.

As I was about to go for a finishing upper cut, the figure of a girl ducked underneath my extended arm and the next thing I knew... I had flown all the way to the other side of the room.

I was paralyzed, I couldn't move, I couldn't breath. This might have been the most pain I've ever experienced in my life. I heard many footsteps approaching and whispers of the other students.


Mira... she's watching...

I forced myself to look up at the person who caused this. It was the new transfer, the girl, Krystalina Kim I recollected. But how?

"Can we go eat nowww?" She whined

I regained my senses, only to become completely frozen as she spoke...

"I'm sorry for... that... I was just really hungry, by the way, I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell the teachers about this" she grinned as she extended a hand to help me up.

I felt... humiliated...

"Y-you!" I managed to stammer. "Save it, I heard it all" she whispered spitefully.

Her glare, it... made me feel... fear, it's the first time I've felt this feeling. I hope I'll never feel it again, it's as if I feared the idea of her glaring at me more than the idea of her beating me to death.

"The strong bullying the weak? It's disgusting. You're lucky I went easy on you so consider this a warning. But don't expect me to hold back next time" She voiced out, still glaring.

That!? That was the reason she almost killed me?

She turned to leave the classroom but I couldn't help it. I was curious...

"W-who a-are you?" I managed to choke out.

"Me? I'm Krystalina Kim." She smirked as she turned her heel and left the classroom, pulling that other transfer asshole with her.

Whispers erupted as she left, the only trace of her being there was the faint smell of her perfume.

I could still barely move, my muscles tingled with excruciating pain...

"Zack! Are you okay?" Mira came rushing towards me. "You know you deserved it" she scolded as she knelt beside me and began giving me a lecture.

I zoned out, I should be happy that Mira is worried for me. But at that moment, for the first time in my life, I couldn't hear Mira. The girl I had been chasing my entire life.

As the faint smell of her Dior perfume intoxicated my train of thoughts.

I should be feeling humiliated, livid, vengeful, but I felt none of those emotions.

The only thing I felt was... Admiration...

Admiration for the first girl to knock me senseless...


Authors Note 💕
Idek where this book is going, thanks for reading this shitty stuff, Also not me writing this during online classes rn. <3

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