- Friendship -

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"Dylan! Quick we're gonna get caught!" I yelled, skillfully skidding over the slippery neighborhood rooftops.

"Krystal! I'll create a collision at the next intersection!" Dylan hollered back, weaving through crowds of people.

I swear I didn't see the 300 men when me and Dylan were walking home. They all came out of nowhere!

I was a fool to think that those dirt bags would let me live in peace even after I had left.

I wonder how much their hospital fees cost... I whistled in appreciation at the number of zeros as I briefly calculated the numbers in my head.

"FORGET ABOUT THE BOY! GET THE GIRL!" The Assassins leader shrieked in fury. I assume it was because of the broken nose I gave him earlier.

I landed on the ground, the yelling now distant. Quickly sliding into a damp alleyway to face a shabby looking Dylan.

I waited for Dylans haggard breathing to die down before opening my clenched fist to reveal a diamond encrusted watch. I chuckled, amused as his eyes glowed with excitement.

"Krystal... how?" Dylan began, unable to complete his sentence as he continued to gawp in awe.

"The assassins my father sent aren't quite good at their job..." I sighed as we walked back into the shack we had been living in.

"Actually... they probably weren't even assassins." I remarked, closing the door that was about to fall of its hinges.

"Yeah... they were way too loud to be assassins." Dylan said, sitting on the battered concrete.

I nodded thinking... assassins are expensive... but father could of had afforded them. He hasn't used his private army in a while... probably cause the majority of them were injured by me.

Has something had happened to the financial status of the Lin conglomerate? Then this is my time to strike!

"YOU FILTHY BRAT! COME BACK HERE!" Voices filtered through the alley way. Me and Dylan made eye contact and he nodded with understanding.

In the short amount of time I had known him, we had already built a steady connection. Life on the streets was tough, we needed to work together to survive.

I put a finger to my lips as we creeped out of the beaten shack. Our footsteps barely making a sound, as if we were levitating inches above the ground. Good thing I had taught Dylan a few things before.

We rounded the corner to face a gruesome scene.

10 men, I counted as I briefly analyzed the situation. A frail figure was crouched in the middle of the towering circle, barely visible.

"P-p-please! I-I'm sorry! My f-father is d-dead." A voice quivered.

"No shit! That's why you'll repay for the debt that asshole left behind." The vile man snickered.


The sound of broken bones followed by a howl of pain echoed through the alley as the man stepped on the boy's frail hand.

Those fuckers!

I was blinded with rage.

The next thing I knew, I stood breathless, surrounded by a circle of red. Bodies scattered in the circle in which they were standing in prior.

"KRYSTAL! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? YOU TOOK OFF ALL A SUDDEN, DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS? WH-" Dylan went on a rampage until he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

"T-thank you!"

I looked down to see a boy, about the same age as Dylan. Tangled locks of rich, brunette hair adorned with cigarette bits. Soft and delicate facial features, hid underneath the hands that covered his eyes.

I bent down to uncover his face, gently pulling his hands away from his eyes.

I gasped as he stared at me.

Shimmering & bright, his eyes a twinkling gold. Like a pot of the richest, finest honey.

I went into a state of deja vu as I recalled the events from when I had met Dylan for the first time.

What's with these boys and these rare eye colors?

He abruptly stood up, covering his eyes again.

"D-don't my eyes look ugly? I'm s-sorry please excuse me." He whispered shakily as he tried to leave.

"No..." I whispered as I grabbed his hand and Dylan grabbed his other.

"They're beautiful." I said softly and chuckled as his eyes widened in surprise.

"What happened?" Dylan asked as we brought the trembling boy back to our shack.

"They were trying to sell me to the black market..." he explained but didn't elaborate. Me and Dylan nodded in understanding.

"What's your name?" I asked as I tore a piece of stale bread and handed it to him. He gladly took the food with appreciation.

"It's Kyle." He responded.

Kyle's POV

Krystalina Kim, Dylan Wang...

The names forever engraved into my heart.

End of Kyle's POV

"Welcome to the family... Kyle."

Authors Note 💕
Felt like Kyle deserved his own chapter. <3

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