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"Are you wearing your hoops again?" Amber asked. "I was planning on to," I turned to face her, "Why? Should I wear different ones?" "Well," She crossed over to me, "I may or may not have bought you a new pair of earrings for your birthday." She smiled. "No way! Can I see them?" "Of course, here they are." She handed the box over. I opened the cute red box to reveal stranded stick drop sterling silver earrings. I gasped at how gorgeous they were. "Oh my gosh, Amber, I love them!" I squealed. I then flung myself in her arms, "Thank you, thank you!" "Of course, hun! I'm so happy you love them!" "They're going to go so beautifully with my outfit!" I gushed.

"You never showed me what you're wearing." She noted. "It's a surprise." I smiled. "Are you sure you don't need help getting into anything?" She asked. "No, I've got it. You've already helped with my hair and makeup; I can dress myself." I laughed. "Okay," She smiled, "I can't wait to see what you look like!" We gave each other one last hug, then she disappeared out of my room. I crossed over to the door, shutting it. Ding! I checked my phone to see I had a message on Instagram from Dak. I smiled as I seen his name on my screen.

Dak: Hey, Xaila! I'm going to be headed out soon, you almost ready?

Xaila: Yeah, I'm almost done. I'll be ready by the time you get here! (:

Dak: Cool! I'll see you soon then!

Xaila: Yeah, see you!

My stomach started feeling with butterflies again! I still cannot believe I'm going out to dinner with Dak freaking Prescott! Like, what even is life at this point?! I crossed over to my closet and pulled out my dress and heels. "I'm going to look so freaking hot!" I complimented myself aloud. I then laid my dress on my bed, and began carefully putting it on.

After extra cautiously putting on my dress and heels, I was finally ready to descend the stairs and show everyone how I looked. I grabbed my black shoulder bag and slid on my diamond tennis bracelet. An expensive bracelet that Amber had bought me for my sixteenth birthday. That lady spoils me every chance she gets, I am grateful for it all, but it also makes me feel awkward. I'm not used to things like this, and even when I first met her, she never bought me expensive things. It wasn't until the past two or three years that she started purchasing me pricey gifts.

Before I went downstairs, I checked the mirror one last time. I was wearing a black silk dress that just touched my mid-thigh with a little slit in it topped with black heels with the wrap around ankle straps. I had showered before I got ready for my dinner, so I decided to curl my hair again, but with blowout curls that really complimented my whole outfit. I did a simple makeup look, I did a full face with a beautiful wing on my eyes, instead of eyeshadow. As for my lips, I decided to go with a dark red lipstick. I then clipped on my necklace that had my name spelled out on in.

"I'm ready!" I announced to them. "Okay, come down! We're ready to see you!" I heard Amber call back. "Okay," I smiled, "Here I come!" I made my way to the stairs, then I started to walk down them. Once I looked down, I seen an extra pair of legs standing at the bottom of the stairs. Confused, I paused for a brief second, but continued my walk down. "Here she comes, here she comes!" I heard them mumbled as I came into full view.

I seen my uncle, Amber, Jay, and the kids standing their smiling. I was also greeted by dark brown eyes and a breathing taking smile. "Do I look okay?" I asked. "You look beautiful." Dak replied. "I didn't know you were already here, you didn't text me." I giggled. "I did," He replied, "You just never responded so I just thought I'd kill some time waiting with your family, instead of in the car." I quickly scattered for my phone and seen his name in my notifications, "What?! I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't even hear my phone go off!"

"It's okay," He chuckled, "I heard your music playing from down here. So I knew there's no way you could've possibly heard your phone." I tucked my lips in out of embarrassment, "Right." "You look stunning, by the way!" Amber added. I smiled, "Thank you!" "All this black and silver really compliments your green eyes and tanned skin! You did a great job picking the outfit!" Jay noted. We all gave him a face, "What?" "That was a girly thing to say." "Well I hear you and Amber talk all the time! I just assumed that's how you're supposed to talk about this stuff!" He defended. We all started laughing hysterically, "I'm just giving you a hard time, Jay." He just shook his head.

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