1. You're not the hero my girlfriend described

Start from the beginning

"Tsunade-sama" called Lee as we approached a middle-aged woman with blond hair tied into two lose ponytails and an indigo diamond on her forehead.

"What is it?" yelled the lady as she turned around to glare at us I took step backwards along with Goten; both of us sensing the anger seeping out of her.

"Well?" she asked impatiently after a couple of seconds (to be more accurate 5.67 seconds)

"Hokage-sama we found these two kids on the border of the land of fire. Neither of them have any I.D or a Headband" said Neji as he glanced back at the two of us.

I sighed and closed my eyes trying to sense both Oni and Emi's power levels. I was forced out off from my thoughts by a strong punch to my face but not strong enough to send me flying.

"Don't you dare ignore me when I'm talking to you brat!" bellowed Tsunade preparing to throw another punch but was stopped by a man with white bushy hair and red lines on his face.

"Tsunade, beating them senseless won't get answers out of them" sighed the same white haired man before turning to face us.

"Who are you two, where do you come from and what is you business here?" demanded the man.

"My name is Briefs Trunks and my friend over here is Son Goten, we come from somewhere far away and we are looking for Shinpi-tekina Oni and Shinpi-tekina Emi." I answered but was suddenly tackled to the ground by a boy with spikey blond hair and bright blue eyes.

"You know Oni-chan, how, when and, where is she, tell me!" roared the boy as he shook me viciously.

"Baka get off of him, he just told you that they're looking for Oni and Emi," sighed a pink haired girl dragging the blond boy off of me.

"Thanks" I thanked dusting my self off.

"No problem" she smiled. "My name's Haruno Sakura nice to meet you and my teammate here is..." she started but was cut off by the blond boy.

"My name Uzumaki Naruto and I'm going to be the next Hokage," he declared. Me and Goten both sweat dropped at his declaration.

'Uzumaki Naruto' I thought to myself trying to remember where I'd heard his name before.

"Wait so you're Naruto, I thought you'd be different" said Goten as he looked at Naruto.

"That's right his Oni's best friend" I said finally remembering his name "but you're right, from Oni's description she made me believe that he was some type of hero or something." I agreed

"What was that teme? Who do you think you are? Come here and say it to my face both of you and why haven't you haven't you answered my questions yet?" shrieked Naruto as he went to grab a Kunai Knife. I smirked and walked forward until I was in front of Naruto.

"You're not the hero my girlfriend described." I smirked.

"What?" he asked clearly shocked.

"I said Shinpi-tekina Oni is my girlfriend," I repeated slower. I dodged as Naruto threw a punch at me.

"Teme! Do you really expect me to believe that Oni would date a loser like you?" yelled Naruto as he lunged for another punch but was stopped by a gloved hand catching his fist.

"Naruto can't you see that this guy is just trying to provoke you" sighed a man with grey gravity defying hair. I smirked once more before turning around and walking away.

I'd only taken a few steps when a hand grabbed onto my wrist.

"Don't think you're off hook at the moment your story doesn't seem very believable"

NARUTO~TWIN SAIYANS IN THE SHINOBI WORLD (DBZ and Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now