Chapter 10

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Several weeks passed, and they were incredible. Every time he'd gone swimming at Lucy and Liam's, he could become a mermaid. He could become someone else who didn't have the anxieties and pains he did. Coming home however had started to take a noticeable difference. He'd come home, ensure that Sammy was not using the bathroom, and quickly dry his swim suit and tail. 

He considered trying to break the information about his bizarre interest to his family - but he knew that it would be extremely painful. Here he could not be that other person free of all worry. No, here he was Danny. Only Danny.

His parents and Sammy remarked however on how good of a mood he'd be in when he talked about his friends. He conveniently left out the details of them all wearing mermaid and merman tails, but for the most part, Danny let himself retell funny stories the others had related, or even funny things that had happened while he was there.

In addition to swimming, there had even been times that they'd done other things - mostly doing stuff at each others' houses. Not Danny's house though. There was no way he'd risk that.

Liam, Will, and Heather though seemed to like that there was another person that wanted to play video games with them, which was something that Danny felt no nervousness about at all. It wasn't like Danny was good at games or anything, but he had no problems playing something like minecraft with his friends.

Soon this became less normal too, when they'd found a mer-tail mod. Now Danny had another thing that he had to be careful with, making sure not to mention anything incriminating while he played on his family's computer. Thankfully Sammy was not really into minecraft, and he was left to himself.

But there was the nagging feeling as the weeks passed, as he got closer to his friends, that he could not hide things from them, or his family, forever. He had told himself that he would tell his friends the truth. But after how girly he had acted while wearing his tail, the choice to tell the truth seemed more and more insurmountable.

And telling his family was worse. He was growing more and more attached to his tail, to the point that he wasn't sure he wanted to swim without it again. If his parents asked him to stop doing it, for some reason, he wasn't sure he'd be able to.

And so Danny chose probably the worst option - to just keep up the ruse.


A new day began, and Danny got up with a spring in his step. Today he didn't have anything going on with his friends, so he showered. This wouldn't have been too odd, except for what had started to follow in the past month - putting on a set of panties and a bra.

His bra. His panties. After an unpleasant session of measuring his chest, his Mom had gotten him his own sets of bras. It had been a painful blow at first, that he had his very own, but he'd gotten used to it more and more - and now he had dreadfully realized that he'd never be able to wear the binder again.

The other part of this had not been as announced. One day, Danny had found the panties he'd laid out gone. When looking for them, he'd found, in his underwear drawer, nothing but panties. His boxers had been relegated to the bottom drawer - but he never opened it anymore. He just couldn't deny that panties felt more comfortable to him. He even wore some of the new colored ones that Mom had gotten him.

This issue made him feel worse. He'd be relieved of the problems with his chest in the Fall, but if his body shape didn't really change... there wasn't much reason to go back to boxers. These really were going to be his panties, possibly for a long long time. And that made him very uncomfortable. Years in the future, it was going to be hard enough to convince a girl to marry him - a straight girl that is - and it was going to be difficult on top of that to explain the panties and the tail swimming.

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