Chapter 8

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Danny's family knew that he was going swimming. But he didn't really want to wear the old black swimsuit that Sammy had provided at the pool party. And it was for the dumbest reason.

He thought it would look bad with his tail.

There was the option to secretly nab Sammy's normal swimsuit, that was a nice purple patterned suit. Sammy however, was guarding her room like a hawk as Danny was getting ready. He was going to succumb to the black suit, until he pulled out his tail - and found the bikini top.

 He was going to succumb to the black suit, until he pulled out his tail - and found the bikini top

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He held the two pieces of it in his hands. He couldn't actually be considering this could he? It was just... it was a bikini. A super feminine article of clothing. Just a few days ago he had gotten upset at the prospect of having to wear just a plain black one-piece. This one though, wasn't trying to be plain. It was trying to be cute. Bubbly. Girly. Things in the past he'd avoided like the plague. Inside him though was a feeling of morbid curiosity. Maybe... maybe he could just try it on...

He went into the bathroom, ensuring that the door on the opposite side, leading to Sammy's room, was locked. He slowly undressed, feeling a bit uncomfortable as he was reminded that he was wearing panties.

Pulling on the swimsuit bottoms felt similar to the one piece he'd borrowed from Sammy, and it hugged close to his skin. Then he gritted his teeth, and pulled on the top. To his discomfort, as he tied it back, his swollen chest fit into it without a problem.

He looked in the mirror. A girl stared back at him. Dirty blonde hair going down to just above the shoulders framed her face. Freckles were dotted around her nose. Her green eyes blinked when he did.

He breathed slowly, but audibly. Was there really any boy left in him? After what people like Lexi had suggested, and he had refused options like cutting his hair... it made him wonder if masculinity was what he really wanted. He'd said it himself, even after getting his surgery, he'd still have his naturally girly voice and body shape.

But no. This femininity terrified him. Danny was a boy. He had all this difficult stuff with his body going on, but he'd get that fixed. He'd been wearing feminine clothes, but that had been to maintain comfort, and now, to fit in better with his new friends. It was all out of necessity, not out of choice.

He turned his attention to getting ready, and brushed his hair, then tied it back. As he did, he had the thought come to mind that girls didn't usually tie it back as low as he did - so he tied it higher up on his head, in a more feminine looking ponytail.

The look did not make him feel better. But at least it might help him blend in more. 

Why am I doing this, he thought as he went back into his room and pulled on a shirt and some some sports shorts to cover up. I'm trying to deceive them when they seem like they would accept me.

He pushed it aside. He'd already decided this. He would get to know them all better today, and then decide from there what to do. 

Danny began filling a duffel bag with a towel, the black one-piece swimsuit, and a change of clothes if he needed it - which unfortunately, were completely feminine. He was about to leave, before he remembered the most important thing. He got out his tail, and carefully folded the fabric to hide it beneath the towel.

The monofin however, he realized anxiously, was far too big to fit into the duffel bag. His backpack was also too small to fit it. He would have to just move quickly. He picked up the monofin, and tried his best to disguise it underneath his arm, under the strap of the duffel bag. It wasn't hiding much - but it was all he could do.

With everything ready, all he had left to do was make it to the car. As he walked up the stairs, he felt his chest moving in the bikini. Would someone notice the pattern of the cloth beneath his shirt? 

When he came upstairs, he just found Jason sitting in the living room watching TV. 

"What've you got going on?" he asked, turning his head slightly towards Danny.

Danny hid the monofin from his view, around the corner of the wall.

"I'm going swimming with some friends I made."

"Huh. I thought you would never go swimming again after a guy asked you out."

Danny shivered. "It... it sucked, but these people from school are nice."

Jason let out a small chuckle. "I'm sorry, but I can't help imagining how things would've played out if you'd actually gone with those people, and only then realized that it was a date - come to think of it, you're sure that these new friends of yours actually know you're a guy?"

Danny trembled further. "Yes, and they're nice about my... problem."

"Personally I wouldn't've been able to believe it. Especially when you've got your hair back like that. And do I spy some makeup?"

"Shut up Jason."

"But seriously dude," Jason said, turning to face Danny more directly, "what's been happening to you?"

Danny frowned. "My body has been wrecking me for ages, I'm not sure you've noticed."

"I get that," Jason frowned back, "it's just like, Mom makes you wear a bra, and then I start seeing you wearing full girl clothes. What the heck is going on?"

"The girl clothes, unfortunately," Danny said with tension rising in his voice, "feel more comfortable. That's it."

"If you say so Danielle."

Danny grunted, and left the room as Jason mercifully went back to watching TV. When he made it outside however, Danny wasn't yet free, as he saw Mom working on weeding or something in one of the nearby flowerbeds. 

"Where are you off to?" Mom called to him.

He quickly put his duffel bag and the monofin into the car as she approached.

"Well," Danny said, "I... uh, met some people at school the other day, and I'm going swimming with them."

"Really?" Mom said, "that's great Danny!"

"Yeah," Danny smiled, "they're cool... they don't mind my... problem."

"Well that's good to hear, just make sure that you wear sunscreen."

She stared at his blank expression.

"I'm guarding this car until you go grab some sunscreen."

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