full story

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Hope had a really huge sneeze/sick fetish from what seemed like forever and her favorite part was contagion and ever since her and josie started dating she had been dying to see her sick.

Even though she loved her girlfriend and she never wanted her to be in pain or suffering the need was just too much push back down and she could barely hold it back anymore.

There would be multiple different stages of what she had to do to make her dream come true the first step would be finding someone who is sick the next stage would be getting sick herself she particularly wanted a really sneeze filled cold with lots of sniffling and nose blowing. The Next Step would be infecting Josie.

She had to make her dream come true if you knew that she couldn't hold it back much longer. The first thing inside of hopes plans what's to find a sick person At first she thought that this would be very hard but then she remembered is right in the middle of cold and flu season so I probably shouldn't be too hard to catch whatever is going around.

Hope wanted to try to get sick from objects or other things instead of going straight to somebody who was sick.

-day one-

Hope woke up for school around 7:30 a.m. which way is a mostly normal time for her to get up maybe being a little bit early she got already for school and rest a little bit lightweight even though the weather was pretty cold out if she was going to follow through with her plan she needed all the help that she could get and she knew that being out in the cold might help.

She walk down stairs making sure to hold onto the handle for extra germs that may be on it.

In the first Class she made sure to sit next to the cold window that was open in to sit next to one of her classmates that was sick she "accidentally" forgot the pencil and knew exactly who to ask she turned around over to the sick classmate before asking for a pencil.

She made sure to use to pencil a lot in to take in the coldness from the open drafty window.

After cause she hurried out taking the pencil with her she plans to do things with that pencil but definitely not right in front of everybody.

Before lunch she makes sure to hold the stair railing again and not wash her hands she got her food and sat down next to a few people who had colds she made sure to stay close to them the whole entire lunch.

Sadly her last class was with Josie so she couldn't pull any funny business even though she's really happy to spend some time with Josie.

After her last class of the day she went back into her room and took out the pencil she knew that this was very odd behavior but to reach her goal this is what she had to do she licks the pencil up and down until all the possible germs were inside her mouth. Hope woke up to feeling the bed move she quickly glance at the clock and it was 3 in the morning hope groans and turn over to see Josie in bed with her.

Hope giggles and smiles. "Hey baby what are u doing in here its so early" she asks.  "I miss you and I had a nightmare" she says with her lip trembling.

Hope kisses her lips and takes her into her arms as they enjoy the warmth of each other. They both eventually fall asleep together enjoying each other's company and warm especially because it would be a very cold day the next day. Hope woke up healthy which she was not very happy about that means that she had to go into phase two of her plans which is getting sick from another person

She kind of had to find someone who is sick with the things she wanted to catch she started looking around the cafeteria before seeing Mia Johnson she was an 18 year old girl with short brown hair and  green eyes.

She was sneezing alot and seemed in need of someone to care for her. Hope walks up to her "hey Mia" she says with a fake smile plastered across your face "would you like me to take care of you?" she asks Mia nods and smiles to her

Throughout the day hope take care of me up making sure to stay very close to her increasing the odds of catching the cold that she wanted so badly.

That night hoping Josie go on a normal date and after hope goes to bed

The next day hope wakes up not Feeling Good her throat felt very dry and was kind of painful. Hope smiles in satisfactory before taking a tissue and blowing her nose she leaves it on the nightstand and got ready for the day.

Around 9 a.m. hope goes to find Josie. She finds her in the cafeteria talking to Lizzy. She goes up to Josie trying to hold back a sneeze she invites her over to her room for lunch at noon she accepts and hope walks back.

now it was time for hope to infect her room so that when Josie comes there's a bigger chance that she would get sick.

Hope felt a tingly sneeze coming on. She grabs her blanket and sneezes onto it with a smile.

Sge had about 3 hours to infect everything before Josie shows up. Everytime she had to sneeze or cough she did it on the bed, doorknobs, dishes,  and keyboard.

Josie knocks on the door at around 1150 with stuff in her hands.

Hope answered the door and the second that hope opened it Josie kisses her lips as she steps into the tribrids room.

Hopes smiles and kisses back. Josie pulls away. I brought some snacks and we could watch a movie she says setting the stuff on the bed and got under the blanket and snuggles it.

Hope got in bed beside her rubbing her nose to take away the tickle. Jo looks at her.

Sorry babe hope says and kiss her lips. Josie smiles and picks up hose computer and type into Netflix and picks out a movie

Hope was starting to feel pretty sick. She sneezes uncovered twice toward the bed.

Achiew Ahcoo! Hope sneezes.

Josie looks at her. "Baby u ok ?" She asks looking at hope. Hope rubs her nose and nods.

Josie snuggles into hope and they smile. After the movie the girls snuggles up and switch hoodies. They snuggles up together and smile.

Hope woke up at 3 am feeling josies arm around her. She was really not feeling good. She sits up and starts coughing hard honestly sounding horrible.

Josie woke up after two minutes. She rubs hopes back softly. "Hmmm babe are u catching something" she says softly. Hope just coughs and shakes her head. "Here cmon it will be ok cmon let's cuddle" she a ys pulling hope into her arms

"It will be ok shorty get some rest" she says. She held her all night. In the morning Josie woke up sick and hope finally got her wish.

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