23. Sky Blue

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Date: January 7th

"What happened to you over Christmas break?" Mia asked when Beomgyu got in her car.

He sighed and shook his head before putting his seat belt on. "Nothing. Just wanted to spend it alone."

She started driving and turned music on. It was cold, but Mia didn't like turning the heat on. And for reasons unknown to him, he was sad that Taehyun left. He was stupid enough to actually be confused as to why he was sad.

So he was sad and cold.

"I feel lonely," he said suddenly and she stared at him for a moment.


"I don't know."

"So..." she fake laughed. "What am I? Nobody to you? I brought you popularity, did I not? Beomgyu, I'm the one who will always be here for you. It hurts my feelings when you say that."

He looked down and nodded, feeling even more sad now. "I'm sorry..."

She smiled. "It's okay. Just cheer up, alright? You're making the mood in here depressing and I hate it."

When they got to school, Hyunwoo was waiting for them by the gate. "Beomgyu, everyone's wondering why you didn't throw a Christmas party," he said, walking with them inside.

"I was busy over Christmas break. Nothing much about it really. I'll throw another one soon."

Hyunwoo and Mia looked at each other. "Should we show him?" He asked and Mia nodded, grabbing his hand to drag him to a closet with Hyunwoo following.

"What is it?" Mia pulled out two samll metal sticks and his eyes widened. "Vaping is illegal..."

"So what?" She asked, bringing it up to her mouth. "You've never followed the rules. What's making you right now?"

She was right. To Beomgyu at least. And with their status, they had the assumption that they were better and above everyone else, especially Beomgyu. So he took the other one and did the same thing, the other two laughing at the dramatic reaction he had to it.

"It's so cool, isn't it?" Mia asked. "And you look so hot while doing it."

Confidence was great, but it was these things that made him so mean about it. Everybody telling him he was handsome all the time did nothing to humble him at all.

There were some students who knew he needed to be humbled though.

"Dude," Yeonjun said, walking past the closet with Kai. "You can't just go to Busan."

"Why not?"

"He left for a reason. And since he ghosted the three of us, he's obviously going through some shit. He doesn't need us there to make it worse."

Kai rolled his eyes. "He's only there because of Beomgyu spreading that stupid fucking rumor. I hate him," he mumbled, but it was still heard by the three who were in the closet.

"You hate who?" Mia asked after opening the door. "You hate Beomgyu? There's no reason for you to. You're just petty."

"He's petty?" Yeonjun asked. "Says the one who got me in trouble last year just because I wouldn't let you copy my homework!"

"Stay out of this Yeonjun!" She yelled. "This has nothing to do with you!"

"It has everything to do with me when you're talking to my friend! And by the way, copying is cheating! But you wouldn't know that because you think cheating is okay, right?!"

Beomgyu's eyes widened and he looked back and forth between them. That much emotion? Yeonjun wasn't talking about Soobin.

"Shut up Yeonjun."

"No." He shook his head. "I turned the bruise you gave me into a tattoo, you know that? As fucking cheesy as it sounds, I turned it into a sky blue heart. You know who's favorite color that is Mia? Guess. Take a wild fucking guess!"

"Soobin's..." she mumbled.

"Ding ding fucking ding. This entire time I've been so scared of confronting you because of your money. But I don't even care if I get expelled or arrested. You hurt Soobin, you know that? I don't give a shit about what you did to me. I hate you anyway. But when you do the same shit to someone who actually loved you? I hope you find it in yourself to be a fucking decent human being someday."

Her eyes were wide as she stared at him for a second. "What do you think gives you the right to speak to me like that?"

"Everything! You're not above anyone else! You speak like that to the rest of us!"

She looked around at all of the students who were staring at them and took a deep breath. And for the first time, they thought she was finally going to stop. She was humiliated enough, but she looked at Beomgyu for what to do.

"Both of you fuck off," he said, grabbing Mia and Hyunwoo's hands to walk away.

"Wow," Yeonjun's eyes widened.

"So Beomgyu's calling the shots all of a sudden?"

Yeonjun was upset now. It seemed like Mia was finally going to give up, but Beomgyu has fallen too hard into whatever trap he's in.

And now he's making it worse.

A/N: My room flooded and my mom's in prison for like ten more days ✌.

I'm okay.

At least I pulled Beomgyu and Kai.

At least I pulled Beomgyu and Kai

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