Overreactions or not?

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Jack grows tenser for no reason whatsoever. "So he shoved you?" he asks.

"Well he picked her up and threw her against the wall as I walked in" Nolan cuts in.

I shake my head at him. Jack stands up and comes towards Aiden. Aiden gets up also.

"You threw her, your own fiancé, at a wall?" he yells, getting all up in Aiden's face.

Aiden looks at me and shakes his head.

"She was trying to help you" Jack yells again and shoves him.

Aiden catches his feet and angrily smirks.

"Porter I know what you have done to her also so you can't even talk" Aiden yells.

Jack turns back to me as I slowly back up with Emily. "Like what?" he says.

"You blamed her for so many things. The amount of nights she actually came home upset because of what you had said to her is countless" Aiden yells.

"I have not blamed her for anything" he mumbles.

"You blamed her because the Grayson's were coming after you. You even blamed her for your wife being killed. I hate to break it to you but she had absolutely nothing to do with it okay! She was the one who had to watch her die!" Aiden yells and shoves Jack.

He death stares Aiden. "Oh so you want to go there?" Jack yells.

"Aiden stop," I call. Nolan tries to grab Jack's arm but he shoves him.

"Jack what are you doing, Carl is watching you" Nolan says. Jack looks over at Carl who is being picked up by Nolan.

It looks like Jack is going to back down but all of a sudden he turns around and slaps Aiden across the face and then punches his temple which makes him fall to the ground.

"Aiden oh my god" I say. Aiden passes out for a couple of seconds and then wakes up angrier than ever.

"Now you have gone too far Porter" he yells. Nolan quickly grabs Emily out of my arms and takes both kids upstairs just before Aiden punches Jack in the head.

"Aiden stop" I say strongly again. He glares at me and grabs Jack's arms. Jack grabs onto Aiden's.

"This fight is pathetic" Jack spits out.

"Well then why are you fighting with me? Are you jealous that I get to be with your childhood love?" Aiden snickers.

Jack's blood boils and he kicks Aiden in the shins, still holding onto each other's arms. Aiden drops slightly and then starts shaking Jack.

"As I said Porter" Aiden yells. "You have gone too far!" He shoves Jack backwards, right into me.

The force of Aidens shove and then into me makes me fall backwards too, hitting the back of my head on the bar.

"Amanda" Nolan yells. He races downstairs and sees that Aiden is still standing nearby, shocked.

"God dammit Amanda" he yells. I flash in and out of consciousness.

"Don't you dare blame this on her" Nolan yells, giving a big blow to Aiden's face and causing him to fall over. "Don't move or I'm telling the police that this is all your fault" he says pointing to the mess and to Jack and I, resting on each other and fading in and out.

Nolan takes off his jumper and wraps it around the wound on my head. "911 yes, I have 3 people here at the stowaway, all with injuries" I hear Nolan say to the phone. "Ok thank you". "They are coming to help you guys ok" Nolan whispers.

I loved writing this lol I don't know why.

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