A build up

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"Amanda...what the...hell?" I hear Aiden groan.

I sit up straight away. "Uhh" I say, rubbing my head. "Well the baby slept the whole night and uhhh" I stand up. "I better go check on her".

Aiden grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. He smiles at me. I smile back and drift out of his hold.

"Amanda, let me grab her," he says, going in front of me and upstairs. I lay back down where he was laying and smile. It was so relaxing to know that we were getting onto better terms than the last 48 hours.

"Here's mummy" I hear Aiden whisper as he comes downstairs and around near me. He gently puts her down on my chest and I grab ahold of her. "I'll go make her a bottle" he says, going to the kitchen.

Emily lays her head back down on my chest and sucks her thumb. I gently stroke her head and close my eyes. The birds were chirping and you could faintly hear the sounds of waves crashing down at the beach. It was so peaceful. Aiden comes back around and picks her up and starts feeding her.

"I'm going to head back down to the stowaway in a minute" I say, yawning.

"Can I come too? You're exhausted and I don't want you driving by yourself" he replies quickly.

I yawn again and nod my head. Aiden smiles and puts the bottle down.

"I'll quickly go get her dressed" I say getting up and picking her up out of his hands. I sit her up on my hip and go upstairs into the nursery to change her clothes.

I put Emily in her carrier and strap it into the car. Aiden gets into the driver's seat and we head off to the stowaway. Luckily it doesn't open until 4pm everyday. When we arrive I get the pram out of the back and Aiden unhooks the carrier and connects it to the pram. He takes control of the pram and I walk beside. Just before we go inside he links his hand with mine and smiles at me.

"Hey Amanda...Aiden you're back" Nolan says, giving me a weird glance. He looks down and sees him and I holding hands, a sign that our relationship is stable for the time being.

"It's a long story" I say.

Jack looks at the clock. "We've got 6 hours," he smiles. We all laugh.

"We don't have much of a choice do we?" Aiden says, his British accent strong.

We sit down at a table. Jack holds Carl and I hold Emily. Aiden does all the explaining and their reactions were priceless. Definitely not what they were expecting.

"So that explains the cuts you both have" Jack says. Nolan shakes his head.

"Well this one was from Niko" I lift up my shirt slightly and reveal the big, deep gash I have on my stomach.

Jack's jaw drops. "Damn Amanda". "Wait then how did you get the giant cut across your face?" he asks.

Aiden sinks in his chair and Jack notices. His face grows tense.

"He didn't?" he murmurs and turns to Aiden. "She was helping you," he yells.

Both kids start to whine. He stands up.

"Please tell me I have this wrong" he says facing back to me.

Nolan gets up and tugs on his shoulder.

"There is a story to it, ok" Nolan whispers. Jack sits back down and crosses his arms.

"I'm listening," he says. Aiden shakes his head in frustration.

"Ok it's simple. I was angry at Niko, and Aiden was worried I was going to kill her so he shoved me away from her. It was just anger from all of us and, well I did have a sword up to her so I do understand" I exhale.

Sorry I ended this so weirdly, I had to cut the paragraph in half because it was too long, the good part of it is next!

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