Fight Time

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"Do you know how to fight anymore?" Nolan laughs. "It's been like over a year".

I smile. "It'll be ok" I reply. "Ok I'm gonna go in". I grab the micro camera and put it just below my chin.

"If anything happens I'll come in ok" he says.

I roll my eyes. "Ok fine, but I'll be alright". I quietly go inside and see Aiden tied up to a pillar and no sight of Niko. "Oh my god" I whisper. His head is down and he looks pale. I race over and gently put my hands on his cheeks. He jolts up and looks at me weirdly.

"Amanda get out" he whispers and rolls his eyes.

"I'm not going to leave you here" I whisper back, looking around.

"Niko is in the other room, don't put you or Emily's life at risk ok, just get out" he looks at me with anger in his eyes.

I stand back up and look down at him. A loud bang comes from the other room. Niko races in and stares at me.

"Amanda, I didn't expect you to come," she says. I give her a glare. She walks over to me and stands by my side.

"Amanda just go look after the baby" Aiden mumbles. I look over at him. "Amanda just...Amanda!" He yells as I get a big blow to the chest which makes me fall to the ground. I hold my chest and glare back up at her as she laughs.

"You messed with the wrong person" I mumble as I punch her in the side of the head. She spins around.

"Just go look after the damn baby and yourself and get out" Aiden yells with anger.

I race at Niko and punch her in the stomach and then I put her in a headlock. "The damn baby is not here Aiden, I'm not that stupid" I yell back.

Niko throws me off and shoves me to the ground. She steps on my stomach and I curl up in pain. 

Niko steps back and laughs. "You were easier to take down than I thought". She turns around and faces Aiden.

I jump up and leap onto her back, pulling her down. I slap her across the face and she starts to go weak. I race up and grab the sword she has against the wall and threaten her. Aiden comes up behind me and rips the sword out of my hand and throws it on the floor. He then picks me up off her and throws me at the wall, just as Nolan runs through the door. I roll along the ground until I hit a pillar. We sit in silence for a bit, Niko and I both on the floor in pain, Aiden near Niko and Nolan staring blankly at us all.

"So...uh what happened" Nolan says, coming towards us a bit.

"Amanda came in and.." Aiden starts but I cut him off.

"Oh don't you dare blame this on me" I say sitting up and leaning on the wall.

"Well you were the one who came in here to start with.

I quietly wince in pain. "I was trying to find you" I mumble. I hold my stomach and look at the ground seeing a pool of blood.

"Amanda god" Nolan says racing over and helping me.

"Why were you trying to find him if he's your ex anyways" Niko snobs as Aiden helps her up.

"Because..." I look up weirdly and focus my eyes on Aiden, Niko and then back to Aiden. I sigh. "Let's just go Nolan" I say, limping as fast as I can towards the door.

"No, Amanda just wait please" he says grabbing my arm as I pass him. I look up at him, a tear running down my cheek. He gently lets go of my arm as my eyes lock with his. I wipe the tear away and continue walking. Nolan grabs Aiden's arm as he tries to follow me.

"Don't bother Aiden" he says as he catches up with me.

Hehehe it was a little fight. I actually liked writing this but my writing is legit so bad.

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