The Search Begins

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"Hey Amanda, long time no see" Nolan says.

I close the door behind me and sit down on the stool. "It's been a chaotic week okay" I laugh.

"Hey" Jack says coming down the stairs. "Bar is closed, sorry," he laughs.

"I know I know but I need you guys' help. I've lost Aiden" I say.

Nolan laughs. "How do you lose your fiancé Amanda?".

"I don't know. We had a big fight last night and he wasn't here this morning. I checked the house and the porch and I couldn't see him but his car is here" I say.

"Are you sure he isn't on the beach? You know, getting away from anything and everything?" Nolan laughs again.

I roll my eyes. "Well I checked from the porch but I did also have a half asleep baby inside that I couldn't just leave and go down to the beach to look" I say looking down at Emily, fast asleep in the pram.

Jack looks down also and smiles. "Well I've got 2 options for you." He says. "1, we could all go out and look for him, including Carl and Emily or 2, you and Nolan go out and look for him and you can leave Emily here with me and I can look after them both".

I look down at Emily, so peaceful. "Are you sure you'll be okay? You've got the bar to run and you've also got a toddler that's going to be running around, can you look after a baby too?" I ask.

Jack laughs. "Yes Amanda you don't have to worry, I can look after them both. Most nights I stay upstairs anyway looking after Carl".

I exhale and bend down to her. "I'll be back soon baby, I love you" I whisper and kiss her on the top of her head. I look over at Nolan and then Jack. "Okay let's go" I say. We wave goodbye to Jack and head off to my car.

"Where do we go first?" Nolan asks as we take off.

"We're going to go back to my house and double check there and the beach. If he's not there then I'm not entirely sure" I say focusing on the road.

"Well if he isn't there we could drop by my house and pick up my computer. I should be able to track his phone and see where it is, or nearby at least" he replies.

I nod my head. We arrive at the house and Aiden's car is still there, nothing has changed. We head inside and I call his name. No reply. I go upstairs and call again. Nothing.

"I don't think he's here. We may have had a fight but he would've told me if he was home, I hope at least" I say.

"Well let's head down to the beach I guess" Nolan replies. We head down to the beach and call his name but there isn't anything.

"Let me call him" I say, picking up my phone and dialing his number. We stand there as the call rings out. I try again and glance back at the land. Something catches my eye from the direction of the Grayson Manor. I look over and focus my eyes on it. There I see Daniel and Victoria standing up on the balcony, watching our every move.

"Hey look" I say, nudging Nolan's arm. He swings around and looks up as well. They start talking and then they both walk back into the house and shut the blinds. "They never shut those," Nolan whispers. I put the phone down.

"They are definitely up to something" I reply. We walk back to the car and drive to Nolan's house.

I really don't know how long to make these lol

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