The Start

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"Aiden please" I whisper, tears streaming down my face. "Let's just go to bed and forget about this".

We've just had the biggest fight ever since we first started dating. The baby is crying, I'm crying, he's all tensed up, the feeling in the room is miserable. He nods his head slowly and goes upstairs. I pick up Emily and cradle her in my arms, wiping the tears from my face and hers and gently rocking her until she has calmed down and fallen asleep.

I slowly get up and go upstairs and rest her down in the bassinet next to the bed. I look over at Aiden, fast asleep and facing the opposite direction. He never sleeps that way. I climb into bed and face Emily. No 6 month old should have to listen to their parents argue, they are far too young. I sigh and close my eyes.

I wake up to Emily's cute little noises and smile.

"Morning baby," I whisper. I turn onto my back and glance to my side. Aiden's not there.

I'm always awake before him so this was quite surprising. I pick up Emily and wander down the stairs quietly. I check all the rooms and there is no sight of him.

"Oh Emily, where has your Dad gone?" I say, putting her down in her rocker. I step outside into the morning sun and check on the porch and out onto the beach. There's no one to be seen.

I go around the other side of the house and see his car still here. I grunt and go back inside. I call his phone multiple times but they all go to voicemail. Emily starts to whine, she is a very big attention seeker.

"Ok Bub I'll get you something to eat and we'll go out ok?" I say heading to the kitchen and preparing a bottle for her. I then pick her up and sit down to nurse her. After that I get us both dressed and we head down to the Stowaway.

Sorry this one is a short :)

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