Mending the Pain

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I cry the entire way back. Nolan tries multiple times to comfort me but it doesn't work. He and I both knew real well that I was truly in pain as I never ever cry or show off emotions. We arrive back at the Stowaway and I wipe all the tears away and briefly fix my makeup. I sigh. Nolan puts his hand on my arm.

"I can go get her if you want me to" he whispers. I shake my head. "It's gonna be ok you know, we can fix this".

I smile and nod, holding in the tears. We get out of the car and go inside. I see Jack holding Emily and playing with Carl at the same time. The sounds of their laughs make me smile.

"Hey guys" Jack says briefly, glancing up at us.

"Hey" I say, my voice croaky.

He looks back up at me and then Nolan. Jack stands up and comes over to us, handing Emily over to me.

"Hey baby, I missed you so much. '' I whisper, kissing her head and giving her a big cuddle.

"She's literally the easiest baby ever, I wish Carl was this quiet and easy going" Jack laughs. I smile.

"Yeah she is," Nolan adds. "I haven't fully looked after her but she's so easy when I hold her and all that".

"She is a pretty chill baby," I reply. Jack laughs.

"She definitely did not get that from her parents". Nolan and I both laugh and I nudge him on the arm.

"Yeah yeah I realize that" I laugh.

Jack picks up Carl and we stand in silence for a bit.

"So, how did it go?" Jack asks. I can tell he was nervous to ask that.

"Well he was at Takeda's house, if you remember him. He was kidnapped, I'm assuming, by his daughter Niko, which is also his ex. So her and I both fought, hence me also looking like a mess right now and I ended up just leaving" I sigh.

"You wouldn't of just left him would you?" Jack asks.

"Well I did after" I sigh again. "Niko said that Aiden was my ex, and he didn't deny it either".

"But he did try to go after her and talk about it," Nolan adds.

"Why would I want to though?" I say. Emily starts to whine. "We better go," I say. I put Emily down in her carrier and I take her out to the car.

Jack and Nolan follow. I strap the seat in and shut the door behind me. Nolan gives me a big hug.

"Call me whenever you need to vent or need someone" he says.

Jack puts his hand on my arm. "Me too, I'm always here".

I smile. "Thank you". I get into the car and drive home.

When I get home Aiden's car had been moved.

"Oh god don't tell me he is home" I whisper. I unstrap Emily's carrier and take her inside. Aiden is standing on the porch, looking out towards the beach.

"Amanda, where the hell have you been?" he says. There is something in his voice that sounds like he was genuinely worried.

"I was picking up Emily from the stowaway" I mumble. I brush past him and he grabs my arm. I try to shrug him off but his grip is strong.

"Please Amanda, we need to talk" he whispers. I roll my eyes and look up at him. He looks at the deep cut along the side of my face. "Oh my god" he whispers, gently touching just below the cut. I shrug off in pain. "Was that me or..."

I cut him off. "It was, but it doesn't matter," I say.

"Let me fix it ok?" he says, grabbing the carrier out of my hand. I walk inside and flop onto the couch. I watch Aiden carefully pick up Emily and kiss her on the head and put her down in her rocker. He goes into the kitchen and grabs the medical box. Aiden kneels down in front of me and gets out the antiseptic spray and a cloth.

"It's going to sting," he says.

"Not as much as Niko saying that you're my ex" I mumble under my breath.

Aiden leans back and stares at me. "Amanda, that's not fair. I've tried to explain and you won't let me" he replies.

I shrug my shoulders. "Just fix it please" I yell.

Aiden shakes his head and smirks. He sprays it on the cut and wipes it down. Then he puts a couple of Band-Aids on.

"There, all done," he says. He leans in while I'm not looking and kisses the other side of my head. I flick my head back around and glare at him.

"Sorry not sorry" he laughs. "Are there any other cuts that need fixing?" he asks.

I roll my eyes and lift up my shirt to reveal a really deep and big cut with a few bruises starting to form around it.

"Amanda, you need to go to the doctor" he yells.

"Shut up, no I don't. Just dress it" I yell back. Emily starts to cry. "See, look what you've done, just hurry up".

Aiden quickly dresses the wound and I get up to Emily.

"Shh it's ok" I whisper. I lean her in one of my arms and start making a bottle for her in the kitchen while Aiden packs up the medical stuff.

"Can I feed her?" he asks. I hand over the bottle and the baby.

"Thanks I guess" he smirks and sits down. I go upstairs and get a pillow and a blanket. "You're sleeping down here" I say, throwing the things onto the couch.

I'm sorry this one is way longer than the others. I originally wrote it on google docs so my paragraphs are really uneven.

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